


This document contains the high-level release notes for ServiceMobility 3.47.0.

The release notes are grouped by the major ServiceMobility components: Mobile Application, ESB Integration, and Web Management Console. Please refer to the specific product documentation for complete details, examples, use cases and configuration information. 

This release primarily focused on adding new functionality and bug fixes to the ServiceMobility mobile application. 

Release Date: December 13th, 2019

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This document contains information confidential to ServicePower Technologies plc. This information is patented under European Patent Number 97301142.2-2201 (Appointment booking and scheduling system). The information is supplied by ServicePower Technologies plc on the understanding that it will not be used in any way which is or may be detrimental to the commercial interests of ServicePower Technologies plc. In particular, the contents may not be disclosed in part or in whole to any other party without the prior written consent of ServicePower Technologies plc.

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About this Release

This release represents a major improvement to the ESB and major and mostly minor improvements to the mobile application. 

Minimum System Requirements

Mobile Application

  • iPhone running iOS 13+
  • iPad running iOS 13+
  • Android phones and tablets running Android 9.0+ 
  • Devices (including laptops, desktops, tablets, etc. ) running the latest versions of Chrome or Edge

Mobile Application Release Notes

New Features

 NEW  Large Form Factor Transfer Inventory Process (Including Transfer to Warehouse)

ServiceMobility has now been enhanced to optimize the transfer inventory process for large form factor devices.  In addition to inbound and outbound tech-to-tech inventory transfer capabilities, ServiceMobility now offers the ability for a technician to transfer inventory to a warehouse location.  A unique set of FlexForms can now be configured to be associated with inbound and outbound tech-to-tech transfers as well as transfer to warehouse.

Dispositioned parts can be transferred to warehouse, but currently not between technicians in the inbound and outbound tech-to-tech transfers.

Known Issue

Currently updates to warehouses do not automatically get distributed to the field.  This will come in the 3.48.0 release.  Therefore, a user data refresh is required to send warehouse changes down to the mobile in the short-term.

Select the Transfer Type and Other Party/Warehouse

Inbound/Outbound Transfer

Add Parts to Inbound/Outbound Transfer

Parts Added to Inbound/Outbound Transfer

Capture Verification Code for Inbound/Outbound Transfer

Transfer to Warehouse 

Setting Up Inventory Transfer Flex Forms

FlexForms can be setup for inventory transfers via System Category 40 of the System Category REST API.  

A sample payload is as follows:

Inventory Transfer System Category Setup
    "SysCatID": "40",
    "Desc": {
        "en": "Inventory Transfer Type"
    "SysActs": [
            "SysActID": "1001",
            "IsActive": true,
            "Desc": {
                "en": "Inbound"
            "FlexForms": [
            "SysActID": "1002",
            "IsActive": true,
            "Desc": {
                "en": "Outbound"
            "FlexForms": [
            "SysActID": "1003",
            "IsActive": true,
            "Desc": {
                "en": "Warehouse"
            "FlexForms": [

Setting Up a Warehouse in ServiceMobility

A warehouse can be setup for via the Inventory REST API with a StorageLocationType = 1002.  

A sample payload is as follows:

Inventory REST API snippet
    "ModifiedUTC": "2019-12-01T12:00:00.000Z",
    "StorageLocationID": "ChicagoDC",
    "StorageLocationType": "1002",
    "Address": {
        "AddrLine1": "1060 West Addison St",
        "AddrType": "1001",
        "City": "Chicago",
        "Country": "USA",
        "Region": "IL",
        "Zip": "60613"
        "Contacts": [{
        "Email": "YourEmailAddress@servicepower.com",
        "FirstName": "Warehouse",
        "IsPrimary": true,
        "LastName": "User",
        "Phones": [{
            "PhoneNum": "312-555-1000",
            "PhoneType": "1001"
    "Name": "Chicago Distribution Center"

Automatically Adding Dispositioned Inventory to Transfer to Warehouse

Transfer to warehouse functionality can be configured to automatically add all inventory in a disposition bucket. This is done by adding the defaultTransferRMADisposition property as shown in the following snipped via the Mobile Configuration REST API:

Mobile Configuration Snippet
    "Inventory": {
        "defaultTransferRMADisposition": "1002"

 NEW  Large Form Factor - Disposition Parts in Inventory from Within Inventory Process

ServiceMobility now allows a user to disposition parts in inventory from the large form factor View Inventory screen.

View Inventory Screen

Disposition Inventory Screen

NEW  Large Form Factor - Disposition Parts in Inventory from Within Work Order Process

ServiceMobility now allows a user to disposition parts in inventory from within the work order process. This is specifically for parts that are not ordered.  When the inventory is dispositioned from this process, the line item quantity will be decremented by the amount quantity positively adjusted.  For example, if a line item has a quantity of 2 and the user taps the disposition button on the line item and adjusts it by only one, the line item dispositioned will now have a quantity of 1.  Similarly, if that same line item was adjust by 2, the line item would be removed from the work order.

The ability to enable this functionality is controlled via the dispositionLineItemsEnabled property in the Mobile Application Configuration REST API as shown below.

Mobile Configuration Snippet
 "WorkOrder": {
        "dispositionLineItemsEnabled": "true",

Work Order Line Items

Adjust Disposition Quantity

NEW  Ability to Scan a Barcode within a FlexForm

A new field type has been added to FlexForms that provides the ability to scan a barcode.   This is setup by adding a field of field input type = 3000 via the Flex Attribute API.  A sample payload is as follows:

Flex Attribute Snippet
    "FlexAttrID": "SampleField1",
    "AutoPopulate": false,
    "InputType": 3000,
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsReq": false,
    "Desc": {
        "en": "Your Field Description"
    "Label": {
        "en": "Your Field Name",
        "es": "Your Field Name"

Scan Field within FlexForm

NEW  Customer-definable Criteria to Retrieve Estimate, Site and Asset History

ServiceMobility now allows customers to define customer-specific criteria to retrieve estimate, site and asset history.  This is configurable via the Mobile Application Configuration.  A sample configuration is as follows:

Estimate, Asset and Site History Configuration Snippet
"RestApi": {


        "Criteria": {
            "AssetHistory": "{\\\"and\\\":[{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"$substring(Assets[0].Model,0,6)\\\"},\\\"{{$substring(Asset.Model,0,6)}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Assets[0].SerialNum\\\"},\\\"{{Asset.SerialNum}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Address.Zip\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Address.Zip}}\\\"]}]}",
            "SiteHistory": "{\\\"and\\\":[{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName}}\\\"]},{\\\"in\\\":[{\\\"var\\\":\\\"Location.Address.AddrLine1\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Address.AddrLine1}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Address.Zip\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Address.Zip}}\\\"]}]}",
            "EstimateHistory": "{\\\"and\\\":[{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"$substring(Assets[0].Model,0,6)\\\"},\\\"{{$substring(Assets[0].Model,0,6)}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Assets[0].SerialNum\\\"},\\\"{{Assets[0].SerialNum}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Contacts[IsPrimary=true].LastName}}\\\"]},{\\\"==\\\":[{\\\"$expression\\\":\\\"Location.Address.Zip\\\"},\\\"{{Location.Address.Zip}}\\\"]}]}"

NEW  Enforce Customer Email Address Prior to Closing Work Order

When the EmailInvoice = true, ServiceMobility will now enforce the email address is captured prior to closing the work order.

NEW  Install Date is Mandatory When Editing an Asset

When editing an asset, the install date is now mandatory prior to saving changes to that asset.

ESB Release Notes

CHANGED Modified the Work Order REST API and Work Order Export API to add the SupersededPartsDesc field to the line item and ordered parts collections.  

CHANGED Modified the Inventory Usage Transaction to include the FlexAttributes (FlexForm responses).

NEW Added the Process Template Query API.  This API returns a collection of work order objects based on the filter criteria passed in on the GET request. Process Templates provide a means to create a work order for either parts sale process, duplicate work order, etc in various processes in mobile application. 

CHANGED Adjust inventory reason codes system category have now been defined as System Category 1000.  

Issues Resolved

FIXED Resolved an issue where a work order can be rejected after it is in a completed state.

FIXED Resolved an issue where a technician was able to duplicate a work order even when the WorkOrder.Rule.CanDuplicate was false.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the estimate deilvery date was cleared when the user navigated into the line item detail.

FIXED Resolved an issue that allowed a user to add negative values to line items in the stock level recommendation process.

FIXED ServiceMobility no longer erases ship to and urgency when no value is provided in the response from the parts ordering API.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the technician is able to reschedule a work order other menu when CanReschedule is false.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the technician is able to duplicate a work order other menu when CanDuplicate is false.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the search bar criteria persists upon completing the receipt of a shipment.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the serial number wasn't being validated upon editing an asset when ValidateSerialNum is true.

FIXED Resolved an issue where tomorrow's call was being displayed in the upcoming call window.

FIXED Resolved an issue where navigating out of the line item detail screen pops up an "ordered part" notification message.

For more information, email us at info@servicepower.com.

US Offices

8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102 Tel: 1 (703) 287-8900

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Petersgate House, St Petersgate, Stockport. SK1 1HE Tel: 011 44 161 476 2277
