


This document contains the high-level release notes for ServiceMobility 4.12.0.

The release notes are grouped by the major ServiceMobility components: Mobile Application, ESB Integration, and Web Management Console. Please refer to the specific product documentation for complete details, examples, use cases and configuration information. 

This release primarily focused on adding new functionality and bug fixes to the ServiceMobility mobile application. 

Release Date: September 2nd, 2021

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About this Release

This release represents a major improvement to the ESB and major and mostly minor improvements to the mobile application. 

Minimum System Requirements

Mobile Application

  • iPhone running iOS 13+
  • iPad running iOS 13+
  • Android phones and tablets running Android 9.0+ 
  • Devices (including laptops, desktops, tablets, etc. ) running the latest versions of Chrome or Edge

This release is tentative and has not yet been finalized.  Additional items may be added.

Mobile Application Release Notes

Mobile Application Changes

CHANGED The Large Form Factor of ServiceMobility now provides an option to hide the reject button when the WorkOrder.canReject = false.  Previously, the reject button would be displayed and provide the user with verbiage saying that the they may not reject the work order when tapped.

NEW ServiceMobility now allows information only pop-up messages to close without any user intervention after a configurable number of seconds.  This is controlled via the messageboxTimeoutInSeconds property within the Mobile Configuration API.  In the example below, information only message alerts would be automatically dismissed after 3 seconds.

"messageboxTimeoutInSeconds": 3,

CHANGED Within the Large Form Factor of ServiceMobility, site and asset history are automatically retrieved from the back-office with no user intervention required.  Additionally, if the user changes the search criteria (described within the System Configuration API), they may manually retrieve the site and asset history via the cloud icon.  Previously, the user was required to tap on the corresponding cloud icon each time to retrieve site and asset history. 

NEW Users now have the option to resend an invoice for a completed work order.  This can be achieved by tapping on the Options (...) button within the work order header and selecting the Resend Invoice option.  The email address that will appear by default is the email address where the original invoice was sent.  The user may resend the invoice to that email address or change the email address if they would like to send the invoice to a different address.

CHANGED  ServiceMobility now allows users to select the part number from the line item list within the work order line items tab.

NEW The Large Form Factor of ServiceMobility now supports work order tasks.  The tasks functionality allows the following data to be associated with a task:

  • Start and End times (for tasks that are planned for a specific amount of time during the service event). 
  • FlexViews (read-only information that allows clients to customize what information is displayed to the users within the task).
  • FlexForms (fully customizable forms that allow clients to setup and collect information such as forms/checklists/etc required to complete a task).

NEW The Small Form Factor version of ServiceMobility now allows users to disposition the line items from within the work order line items tab.  This functionality works the same as it does within the large form factor version.

NEW ServiceMobility now provides a warning messages when first loading the application for any client-defined UI Templates that contain a syntax error.  This helps clients understand if overridden templates are not rendering properly due to a syntax errors.

NEW The Small Form Factor version of ServiceMobility now allows clients to override the UI Template for the Schedule List.  This can be done via the UI Templates REST API using the following UI TemplateID: Phone.Schedule.List.

NEW ServiceMobility now provides the ability to customize the follow-up appointment screen slots via a UI Template.  This UI TemplateID is as follows: 

  • Tablet.WorkOrder.FollowUpTimeSlot for the large form factor version
  • Phone.WorkOrder.FollowUpTimeSlot for the small form factor version

CHANGED ServiceMobility has modified the work order alert flow to provide a more streamlined process with fewer clicks.  Now, when selecting the Accept or Decline options, the user will no longer be required to click the Save button and will immediately be taken back to the list or work order list alerts.

NEW Introduced numerous security enhancements.

Issues Resolved

FIXED Resolved an issue where, in some instances, autosave messages were being sent to the back-office and closing work orders.  This caused invoices to not be sent to the consumer and complete work order export messages from not being put into the queue for client integrations.

FIXED Resolved an issue where, in some cases, a duplicate credits collection was being added to the work order.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the back-office could overwrite internal values to the Mobile application causing a discrepancy in the work order status.

FIXED Resolved an issue where dispositioned parts within the Small Form Factor functionality receiving shipments wasn't working properly.

FIXED Resolved an issue where the web version of ServiceMobility would lock up when adding an ordered part when the WorkOrder.defaultCloseCodes property within the Mobile Config was empty.

For more information, email us at info@servicepower.com.

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