Activity Object1

Activity Object1

An activity is a scheduled event that may or may not be associated with an actual address. Activities appear within the mobile application's schedule views along side scheduled work orders.

Any time the mobile user performs an action that causes the activity object to change, it will automatically be uploaded to the server. For example, when the activity is started, the activity object will be uploaded to the server with the updated Started field populated.

Activity Object Formats

JSON Format
	"ActivityID": "",
	"ActualEndDate": "",
	"ActualStartDate": "",
	"ActualTravelEndDate": "",
	"ActualTravelStartDate": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Extensions": {
		"key1": "value1",
		"key2": "value2"
	"FlexForms": [
	"FlexView": [{
		"Title": "GroupName",
		"Items": [{
			"Label": "labeltext",
			"Value": "valuetext"
	"Location": {
		"LocationNum": "",
		"Name": "",
		"Address": {
			"AddrLine1": "",
			"AddrLine2": "",
			"AddrLine3": "",
			"AddrLine4": "",
			"AddrType": "",
			"City": "",
			"Country": "",
			"Intersection": "",
			"Lat": 0,
			"Lon": 0,
			"Region": "",
			"Zip": ""
	"ModifiedUTC": "",
	"Notes": [{
		"ID": "",
		"Author": "",
		"Date": "",
		"Text": ""
	"Paused": false,
	"PlannedEndDate": "",
	"PlannedStartDate": "",
	"Priority": "",
	"Status": "",
	"Title": "",
	"Type": "",
	"UserAdjustedEndUTC": "",
	"UserAdjustedStartUTC": "",
	"UserAdjustedTravelEndUTC": "",
	"UserAdjustedTravelStartUTC": "",
	"UserName": ""

Activity Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

ActivityIDstringThe unique identifier for the activity. This value must be globally unique across all activities.
ActualEndDatedatetimeIdentifies the actual date and time the activity was completed.
ActualStartDatedatetimeIdentifies the actual date and time the activity was started on site at the account location. This value does not include the start travel time.
ActualTravelEndDatedatetimeIdentifies the actual end travel date and time for the activity.
ActualTravelStartDatedatetimeIdentifies the actual start travel date and time.
DescriptionstringA simple description of the activity.

This object contains an optional collection of key/value pairs.

These key/value are defined and controlled by the customer and are typically used to assist in integration by pass additional data around the system.


This property contains the Flex-Field values that were entered.

  • Flex-Fields are always associated with a Flex-Form

Flex-Field values can be pre-populated from the backend


Identifies the Flex-Form

ValuebooleanIdentifies the value associated with the rule
CanOverridebooleanIdentifies if the provided value can be edited by the mobile worker. Default value is  false

An optional collection of FlexForm IDs. Each form specified in the collection will be available for the identified task.

See: FlexForm Object


The optional FlexViews object is used to provided additional read-only details and information specific to the object they are included in. The FlexViews are fully customizable by the customer.

See: Flex Views Object


The account location identifies the actual location (address) of where the activity is to be completed.

See: Account Location Object


The Notes object contains an optional collection of notes associated with the activity. These can be recorded by anyone involved with scheduling the activity.


Identifies if the activity is currently paused.

Valid values are:

  • true = The activity is currently paused.
  • false = The activity is not paused.
PlannedEndTimedatetimeThe date and time, in UTC format, when the activity is scheduled to end.
PlannedStartTimedatetimeThe date and time, in UTC format, when the activity is scheduled to start.

Identifies the current priority of the activity. Contains an Activity Priorities System Category value identifying the priority of activity.


Identifies the current status of the activity. Contains an Activity Status System Category value for status of the activity

TitlestringA short title for the activity.
TypestringIdentifies the type of activity. Activity types are defined and controlled with a Activity Types System Category.



The ending date and time, in UTC format, as recorded by the mobile worker. This value may be different from the ActualEndDate property if the application configuration (Activity.editStartEndTimeEnabled = true) allows the mobile worker to edit activity date and time




The starting date and time, in UTC format, as recorded by the mobile worker. This value may be different from the ActualStartDate property if the application configuration (Activity.editStartEndTimeEnabled = true) allows the mobile worker to edit activity date and time.



The ending travel date and time, in UTC format, as recorded by the mobile worker. This value may be different from the ActualTravelEndDate property if the application configuration (Activity.editStartEndTimeEnabled = true) allows the mobile worker to edit activity travel date and time



The starting travel date and time, in UTC format, as recorded by the mobile worker. This value may be different from the ActualTravelEndDate property if the application configuration (Activity.editStartEndTimeEnabled = true) allows the mobile worker to edit activity travel date and time


UserNamestringThis property identifies the ID of the mobile worker that has been assigned to the activity.

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