Work Order Alert Object

Work Order Alert Object

The Work Order Alert object contains properties related to alert/notification. Alert provide a means to notify the mobile worker to a specific condition related to either the customer, asset, part, etc. in a work order.

Related pages:

Work Order Alert Object Formats

JSON Format
   "AlertID": "",
   "AssetAge": {
      "Start": 12,
      "End": 35
   "AssetType": "",
   "ConcessionID": "",
   "Deleted": false,
   "Extensions": {
      "FactoryProgCode": ""
   "FixedCharges": [
         "ProdNum": "",
         "RefCode": ""
   "InWarranty": true,
   "IsActive": false,
   "Message": "",
   "ModelNumPattern": "",
   "ModifiedUTC": "",
   "PartialServiceCodeMatch": false,
   "ProdNumPattern": "",
   "SerialNumPattern": "",
   "ServiceCodes": [
   "SetInWarranty": false,
   "TemplateID": "",
   "URL": ""

Work Order Alert Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

AlertIDstringThis property uniquely identifies the work order alert

This properly contains minimum age and maximum age definition for asset's age criteria. Age in months is calculated based on the asset install date.




Identifies asset's minimum age in months. If minimum age is specified, the asset age in months must be greater or equal to the specific minimum age. 



Identifies asset's maximum age in months. If maximum age is specified, the asset age in months must be less than or equal to the specified maximum age.

Note:  The calculated age in months is to be rounded down to nearest month - 12 months and 29 days is rounded down to 12 months



Contains an Asset Types system category value identifying the type of asset.


Identifies concession associated with work order alert. The concession will be applied to the work order when mobile worker accepts/acknowledges alert in the work order process.




Identifies if the work order alert is to be deleted.

Valid values are:

  • true - The work order alert object should be deleted
  • false - The work order alert object should not be deleted. This is the default value if this property is not specified.
ExtensionsobjectThis object contains an optional collection of key/value pairs.

These key/value are defined and controlled by the customer and are typically used to assist in integration by pass additional data around the system.


The fixed charges collection contains one or more optional charges associated with work order alert. The fixed charges will be applied to the work order when mobile worker accepts/acknowledges alert in the work order process.

ProdNumstringIdentifies the product number associated with the fixed charge
RefCodestringIdentifies optional customer assigned reference identifier.

Default value is false

Identifies if the work order alert is active and can be used in mobile application.

Valid values are:

  • false = The work order alert is inactive
  • true = The work order alert is active

This flag indicates if the mobile application needs to apply warranty criteria (in/out of warranty) for work order alert. 

Valid values are:

  • false = The work order alert should use out of warranty criteria
  • true = The work order alert should use in warranty criteria


stringThis property contains information text to be displayed in alert/notification. This property will override default message in alert template.

Regular expression for the manufacture's model number for the asset associated with the work order.

(warning) This object uses the .Net regular expression engine.


ModifiedUTCdatetimeThe date and time, in UTC format, when this object was last modified.

This flag indicates if the service code supplied in the Alert will match the beginning of the asset service code.

Valid values are:

  • true - Mobile application should match the work order alert to the beginning of the asset service code.
  • false - Mobile application should match the work order alert to full service code. This is the default value if this property is not specified. 



Regular expression for the product number(s) of the product.

A product number collection can be specified as regular expression.

For example, the regex pattern:


will match product numbers 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 and 1006 for a product.

(warning) This object uses the .Net regular expression engine.



Regular expression for asset serial number. The mobile application will use regular expression to check if asset serial number is in specified range.

Here are few examples demonstrating serial number range represented as regex pattern.

  • Regex pattern:
    • ^([L-T][T-V][0-9]{6})$
  • will match serial number range TT000000 - LV999999
  • Serial Number Range AA5-ZS9999999 can be represented as the regex pattern:
    • ^(((AA[5-9])|([A-Z][B-S][0-9]))([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{5}|[0-9]{6})?)$

(warning) This object uses the .Net regular expression engine.


A collection of service codes to match for work order alert constraints

Note: A service code is a collection of strings, so this object is a collection of collections


Identifies whether the work order will be automatically changed to in warranty when the criteria are met.

Valid values are:

  • true - When the criteria are met, the work order will be changed to in warranty (if it has not already been changed)
  • false - No action will be taken.



stringThis property uniquely identifies the alert template associated with work order alert.

This property contains URL to an external web site. This property will override default URL in alert template.

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