Asset Object
Asset Object Formats
{ "AccountNum": "", "AssetNum": "", "Delete": false, "Cost": 25.0, "Desc": "", "FlexForms": [ "${FlexFormID}" ], "FlexFormsDisplayValues": [{ "FlexFormID": "${FlexFormID}", "Title": "", "FlexGroups": [{ "Title": "", "FlexAttrs": [{ "FlexAttrID": "${FlexAttrID}", "Label": "label text", "Value": "value text" }] }] }], "FlexView": [{ "Title": "GroupName1", "Items": [{ "Label": "labeltext", "Value": "valuetext" }] }], "History": [{ "FlexView": [{ "Title": "GroupName", "Items": [{ "Label": "labeltext", "Value": "value text" }] }], "Items": [{ "ID": "", "AssetNum": "", "BatchNum": "", "FlexView": [{ "Title": "GroupName", "Items": [{ "Label": "labeltext", "Value": "valuetext" }] }], "GeneralIncomeAccount": "1001", "IsChargeable": false, "IsRet": false, "NonTaxable": false, "Price": 0, "PriceOverrideFlag": true, "ProdAttrs": { "Desc": "", "IsBatch": false, "IsInvCtrl": false, "IsSerialized": false, "ProdType": "1001" }, "ProdNum": "1001", "Qty": 0, "RefCode": "", "ReturnReasonCode": "", "SerialNum": "1001001", "StorageLocationID": "", "Delete": false }], "Notes": [{ "ID": "", "Author": "", "Date": "", "ReadOnly": true, "Text": "", "Delete": true }], "OrderDate": "", "OrderNum": "", "OrderType": "" }], "InServiceDate": "", "IsComponent": false, "LastServiceDate": "", "Location": "", "LocationNum": "", "Mfg": "", "Model": "", "ParentAssetNum": "", "ProdNum": "", "RetailerID": "", "RetailerName": "", "SerialNum": "", "ServiceCodes": [], "ServiceCodesDesc": [], "Status": "", "Type": "", "VerificationAPI": { "IsVerified": false, "VerificationDate": "2018-12-15T10:00:00.001Z" }, "VerificationQR": { "IsVerified": false, "VerificationDate": "2018-12-15T10:00:00.001Z" } }
Asset Object Properties
Required properties are in bold.
Property | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
AccountNum | string | When the asset is associated with an Account Location, the AccountNum field represents the ID of the associated Account. When set, the LocationNum field must also be set. | |||||||||||||||||||||
AssetNum | string | This property uniquely identifies the asset and can be composed of alpha, numerics, and most special characters. | |||||||||||||||||||||
AssetSubType | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cost | number | Identifies the purchase price for the asset 4.16.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Desc | string | Contains a brief description of the asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
FlexAttrs | object | This property contains the FlexAttr values that were entered. | |||||||||||||||||||||
FlexForm | object | An optional collection of FlexForm IDs. Each form specified in the collection will be available for the identified task. See: FlexForm Object (3.12) | |||||||||||||||||||||
FlexFormsDisplayValues | object | A collection that is generated on the mobile client when a work order has been completed (Closed-Complete or Closed-Incomplete). This is primarily used for recreating the flex forms as it was captured within ServiceMobility without the need to lookup the FlexForm and FlexAttribute definitions. 4.14.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
FlexView | object | The optional See: Flex Views Object | |||||||||||||||||||||
History | object | An optional property in which it is possible to store one or more collections, containing service history details for the asset. When used, each item in the collection should be used to store details of a work order. Alternatively, instead of adding service history information to the Asset object, the Asset Service History REST API Interface can optionally be used, allowing ServiceMobility to obtain the service history data for assets from a 3rd party system containing the relevant details.
| |||||||||||||||||||||
InServiceDate | datetime | The UTC date and time when the asset was originally placed in service. | |||||||||||||||||||||
IsComponent | boolean | Identifies if this asset is a component of another asset. Valid values are:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
LastServiceDate | datetime | The UTC date and time when the asset was last serviced | |||||||||||||||||||||
Location | string | An open text field that can be used by the customer to describe the physical location of where the asset was installed. | |||||||||||||||||||||
LocationNum | string | When the asset is associated with an Account Location, the LocationNum field represents the ID of the associated Location. When set, the AccountNum field must also be set. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Mfg | string | Identifies the manufacture of the asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Model | string | Identifies the manufacture's model number of the asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
ProdNum | string | Optionally identifies a corresponding item in the product catalog. | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetailerID | string | This property indicates identifier for a business selling asset to the consumer 4.16.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetailerName | string | Identifies a business selling asset to the consumer 4.16.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
SerialNum | string | Identifies the serial number of the asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Status | string | Contains an Asset Status Codes system category value identifying the current state of the asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
ServiceCodes | object | An optional collection of service code IDs. The first service code ID specified in the collection is the top level service code, the second service code ID specified in the collection corresponds with the second level service code, etc. There may be a maximum of 7 levels of service codes defined. See: Service Code Object | |||||||||||||||||||||
ServiceCodesDesc | collection | This optional collection contains the description for service codes. The order the descriptions appear in the array are the order mobile worker has selected service codes in the mobile application. 3.33.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Type | string | Contains an Asset Types system category value identifying the type of asset. | |||||||||||||||||||||
VerificationAPI | object | Captures response of Asset's Model Number Verification in Work Order process. Mobile worker can verify asset installed at the account location when
3.35.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
VerificationQR | object | Captures response of Asset Verification by scanning QR code in Work Order process. Mobile worker can verify asset installed at the account location when rules
3.35.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Delete | boolean | Optional property. This property is used during a PATCH request to remove specific items. This property will never be returned during a GET request. |