OrderedPart Object

OrderedPart Object

The OrderedPart object contains part order details. The OrderedPart object is always used inside of another object such as the work order object, appointment search object, etc. 

On this page:

OrderedPart Object Formats

JSON Format
	"Delete": false,
	"EstimatedDelivery": "2014-12-15T10:00:00.000Z",
	"PartOrderNum": "",
	"PartStatus": "",
	"Price": 0,
	"ProdAttrs": {
		"Desc": ""
	"ProdNum": "1001",
	"Qty": 0,
	"ShipToLocation": "",
	"SupersededParts": [{
		"ProdNum": "",
		"PartStatus": "{free text}",
		"ProdAttrs": {
			"Desc": "",
			"IsBatch": false,
			"IsInvCtrl": false,
			"IsSerialized": false,
			"ProdType": "1001"
		"Qty": 10
	"SupersededPartsDesc": "",
	"Urgency": ""

OrderedPart Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.


Optional property.

This property is used during a PATCH request to remove specific items. This property will never be returned during a GET request.



This optional property specifies the estimate delivery date of the associated part.

This property is calculated and populated by the back end system if a connection is available at the time the part is ordered. Otherwise, this property will be left empty.

PartOrderNumstringThe order number associated with the part being ordered.

Specifies the status of ordered part. This is a simple free-form text field with no validation.



The price of the ordered part.

This property is set by the backend system if a network connection is available at the time the part is ordered. Otherwise, the mobile application will use the default price from the Product catalog.


This object contains the ordered part's product attributes from the Product table. If this object is not specified, then the Broker ESB will automatically populate it from the details in the Product table.

(info) If the Product table is not being managed through the Product REST APIs, then this object is required.

DescstringProvides the description of the product item. This description will be in the preferred language of the technician.

Identifies if this product item is batch controlled. If true, then the BatchNum property is required.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is batch controlled.
  • false - Item is not batch controlled. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies if this product is under inventory control. If true, then the application will automatically adjust the proper storage location's inventory based on the item usage.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is under inventory control.
  • false - Item is not under inventory control. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies if this product item is serialized or not. If true, then the SerialNum property is required.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is serialized and requires a serial number.
  • false - Item is not serialized. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies the product item type or category.

See: Product Types System Category

See: Product Object

ProdNumstringThe product number of the ordered part.
QtydecimalThe quantity being ordered.
ShipToLocationstringThe location where the parts are to be shipped (see Ordered Parts Shipping Location in system categories).

This optional collection contains a list of parts that replaces the ordered part.


Optional property.

This property is used during a PATCH request to remove specific items. This property will never be returned during a GET request.


ProdNumstringThe product number of the replacement part.

Specifies the status of replacement part. This is a simple free-form text field with no validation.


Product attributes of the ordered part.

See: Product Object

QtydecimalThe quantity being ordered.



Provides the description about original and superseded product item. This description will be in the preferred language of the technician.



This property identifies shipping urgency for the ordered part (see Ordered Parts Shipping Urgency in system categories).


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