Work Order Dispatch Object

Work Order Dispatch Object

The work order dispatch object will contain properties indicating the current dispatch status of a specific work order.

Work Order Dispatch Object Formats

JSON Format
	"DispatchStatus": 0,
	"DispatchUTC": "2016-11-17T17:30:56.847Z",
	"PlannedDur": 15,
	"PlannedEndDate": "2016-11-17T11:15:00.000Z",
	"PlannedStartDate": "2016-11-17T11:00:00.000Z",
	"PrimaryUserName": "",
	"UserName": ""

Work Order Dispatch Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold


Identifies the current dispatch status of the work order.

In order for a work order to be dispatched to a mobile worker the following properties, in addition to the other required properties, must be set:

  • DispatchUTC 
  • PlannedStartDate 
  • PrimaryUser 

Value values are:

  • 0 = None. Work order is not dispatched. This is the default value if this property is not specified.
  • 1 = Scheduled. Work order is scheduler but no mobile worker is assigned. Work order is not dispatched.
  • 2 = Assigned. Work order is assigned to a mobile worker but not scheduled. Work order is not dispatched.
  • 3 = Dispatched. Work order is assigned a mobile worker and a schedule. Work order is dispatched.
DispatchUTCdatetimeIdentifies the UTC date and time when the work order was dispatched to the mobile worker.
PlannedDurintegerIdentifies the estimated planned duration, in minutes, for the work order.
PlannedEndDatedatetimeIdentifies the estimated end date and time, in UTC format, for the work order.

Identifies the estimated planned start date and time, in UTC format, for the work order.

PrimaryUserNamestringIdentifies the primary mobile worker for the work order. This field is used in cases where multiple mobile workers are dispatched to the same location. In this case this property should be set to the mobile worker that is primary. If this field is set and the mobile worker is not the primary then certain mobile business processes may be restricted (please refer to the mobile application user guide). 
UserNamestringThis property identifies the ID of the mobile worker that has been assigned to the work order.