Entity Object

Entity Object

The Entity System Configuration object contains system configuration settings for a specific entity

On this page:

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Entity Object Formats

JSON Format
    "Addresses": [{
        "AddrLine1": "",
        "AddrLine2": "",
        "AddrLine3": "",
        "AddrLine4": "",
        "AddrType": "",
        "City": "",
        "Country": "",
        "Intersection": "",
        "Lat": "",
        "Lon": "",
        "Region": "",
        "Zip": ""
    "Contacts": [{
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "",
        "IsPrimary": true,
        "LastName": "",
        "Phones": [{
            "PhoneNum": "",
            "PhoneType": ""
    "CloudStorageKey": "",
    "CreationDateUTC": "",
    "CustomerID": "",
    "CustomerCode": "",
    "Domain": "",
    "EntityID": "",
    "features": [],
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsOps": false,
    "Name": "",
    "LanguageCodes": [],
    "SystemID": ""

Entity Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.


Collection of zero or more JSON objects, each object containing an Account Location Related Objects Address Object associated with the Entity.


Collection of one or more JSON objects, each object containing a Account Location Related Objects Contact Object associated with the Entity.


UUID. Identifies a unique storage key for storing tenant specific artifacts in AWS S3 bucket.

CreationDateUTCstringThe date and time, in UTC format, the tenant was originally created.

Contains customer identifier for the tenant. CustomerID and CustomerCode values are passed as URI parameters for REST API authentication. The preferred way of authentication is to use JWT token in HTTP header. 


Contains customer code (password) for the tenant. 

DomainstringAn optional custom domain (which must be a sub-domain of servicemobility.com) for the tenant, representing the domain on which the tenant will be accessed. For example: "custom.servicemobility.com"
EntityIDstringThe unique ID of the Entity.

A collection of one or more features which tenant has access to in ServiceMobility.

Valid feature values are:

  • SH
IsActivebooleanIs the Entity active or not. Default value is true.
IsOpsbooleanDefault value is false.
NamestringIdentifies the name of the tenant

Default value is en.

A collection of one or more cultural identifiers associated with tenant.

Valid cultural identifier values are:

  • en
  • en-CA
  • en-GB
  • fr-CA
SystemIDstringUUID. Identifies publicly exposed Tenant ID.

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