Permission Object

Permission Object

On this page:

Permission Object Formats

JSON Format
	"Desc": {
		"en": "English description",
		"fr-CA": "French (Canada) description"
	"Name": {
		"en": "English name",
		"fr-CA": "French (Canada) name"
	"PermissionID": "${PermissionID}"

Permission Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.


Contains localized text descriptions for the permission.

Each key/pair combination defines a single localized language description. The property name specifies the language code and the value of the property is the corresponding localized description for the language.


Contains localized name for the permission.

Each key/pair combination defines a single localized language name. The property name specifies the language code and the value of the property is the corresponding localized name for the language.

SysCatIDstringSpecifies the unique permission ID. All permission IDs are defined by ServiceMobility and can not be changed.

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