Service Contract Object

Service Contract Object

The Service Contract object contains properties related to a service contract/extended warranty for an asset or a part. An asset is specifically tracked piece of equipment usually located as a customer location.

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Service Contract Object Formats

JSON Format
	"_t" : "serviceContract",
	"_v" : "1.0",
	"BillToAccountNum": "",
	"Constraints": {
		"ExcludeOrderTypes": ["", ""],
		"IncludeOrderTypes": ["", ""],
		"ExcludeServiceCodes": [["", ""], ["", ""]],
		"IncludeServiceCodes": [["", ""], ["", ""]]
	"ContactNumber": "",
	"ContractID": "",
	"ContractProvider": "",
	"Rules": {
		"AuthorizationNumPattern": "",
		"IsAuthorizationNumReq": true,
		"IsSerialNumReq": true,
		"SerialNumPattern": ""
	"Warranty": {
		"InWarranty": true,
		"Copay": ""

Service Contract Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

BillToAccountNumstringThis properly identifies the party who is responsible for paying for the service.



This property contains various criteria definition for service contract eligibility.

ExcludeOrderTypescollectionA collection of order types to exclude for a service contract
IncludeOrderTypescollectionA collection of order types to include for service contract eligibility

A collection of service codes to exclude for a service contract

Note: A service code is a collection of strings, so this object is a collection of collections


A collection of service codes to include for service contract eligibility

Note: A service code is a collection of strings, so this object is a collection of collections

The property will contain exclude OR include criteria for order types and service codes. Include and exclude criteria are mutually exclusive and cannot appear at the same time in the object for order types and service codes.

ContactNumberstringThe phone number for the service contract administrator.
ContractIDstringThis property uniquely identifies the service contract.
ContractProviderstringThis property identifies the name of service contract administrator.

This property contains rules (flags) that control different aspects of the service contract process.

AuthorizationNumPatternstringRegular expression for authorization number validation

Identifies if the authorization number is required from a service contract administrator

Default value is false


Identifies if the asset serial number is required for service contract process.

Default value is false

SerialNumPatternstringRegular expression for serial number validation

This property contains warranty information for a service contract to be applied to the work order.


Default value is false

Identifies if the service contract controlled asset or part is under warranty. 


Product number to be added to the work order as type co-pay

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