Developer Token Object

The Process Template object contains template definition for creating a work order. Process Template provide a means to quickly create a work order using pre-defined template from various business processes.

On this page:

Developer Token Object Formats

JSON Format
	"Active" : true,
	"Email" : "",
	"ID" : "",
    "JWT" : "",
	"Name" : "",
    "Notes" : "",
	"Permissions": []

Developer Token Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.


Identifies if the Developer Token is enabled. This field is used to disable a developer token so it can no longer be used. 

Valid values are:

  • true - The developer token is enabled. This is default value is the property is not specified.
  • false - The developer token is disabled.



The primary email address associated with the developer token.


stringThis property uniquely identifies the developer token.
JWTstringThis property represents JWT token for the developer. This property will be present in GET method response object.
NamestringIdentifies the name of the developer.

General notes about the developer token.



The collection of permissions granted to the developer token.