Account Location Related Objects Address Object

The address object is always contained inside of another object such as the Account or Account Location object. There are no specific REST APIs to manage standalone addresses. 

On this page:

Address Object Formats

JSON Format
	"AddrLine1": "", 
    "AddrLine2": "", 
    "AddrLine3": "", 
    "AddrLine4": "",
    "AddrType": "", 
    "City": "", 
    "Country": "", 
    "Intersection" : "",
    "Lat" : "",
    "Lon" : "",
    "Region": "", 
    "Zip": ""

Address Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in Bold.

AddressLine1stringIdentifies the first line of the address. This property is used by the mapping server when locating the address on a map or providing turn by turn directions.
AddressLine2stringIdentifies the second line of the address.
AddressLine3stringIdentifies the third line of the address.
AddressLine4stringIdentifies the fourth line of the address.

Identifies the type of address:

Value values are:

  • 1001 - Mailing address
  • 1002 - Billing address
CitystringIdentifies the city of the address
CountrystringIdentifies the country of the address
LatNumberIdentifies the latitude coordinate of the address.
LonNumberIdentifies the longitude coordinate of the address.
RegionstringIdentifies the region or state of the address.
ZipstringIdentifies the zip code