Work Center Object

The Work Center object contains specific details related to a work center and are managed by the Work Center REST API. A work center may have zero or more users assigned to it. User assignments are managed by the Work Center Users REST API.

Work Center Object Formats

JSON Format
    "Address": {
	    "AddrLine1": "", 
		"AddrLine2": "", 
		"AddrLine3": "", 
		"AddrLine4": "",
		"AddrType": "", 
		"City": "", 
		"Country": "", 
		"Intersection" : "",
		"Lat" : "",
		"Lon" : "",
		"Region": "", 
		"Zip": ""
    "Contacts": [
            "Email": "", 
            "FirstName": "", 
            "IsPrimary": true, 
            "LastName": "", 
            "Phones": [
                    "PhoneNum": "", 
                    "PhoneType": ""
	"Name": "",
    "TimeZone": "",
	"WorkCenterID" : ""

Work Center Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

AddressescollectionA collection of Address Objects.
Contactscollectiona collection of Contact Objects
NamestringIdentifies the name of the work center
TimeZonestringIdentifies the time zone that the work center is located in.
WorkCenterIDstringIdentifies the unique ID of the work center