Account Location Query Object

Account locations are associated with accounts and an account can have one or more account locations. The account location is the location where actual work is to be preformed and typically the account represents the billing entity. For residential customers the account and account location are typically the same. 

Account Location Query Object Formats

JSON Format
    "AccountName": "",
	"AccountNum": "",
	"AccountType": "",
	"Address": {
        "AddrLine1": "", 
        "AddrLine2": "", 
        "AddrLine3": "", 
        "AddrLine4": "",
        "AddrType": "", 
        "City": "", 
        "Country": "", 
        "Intersection" : "",
        "Lat" : "",
        "Lon" : "",
        "Region": "", 
        "Zip": ""
    "Contacts": [
            "Email": "", 
            "FirstName": "", 
            "IsPrimary": true, 
            "LastName": "", 
            "Phones": [
                    "PhoneNum": "", 
                    "PhoneType": ""
    "Email": "", 
    "LanguageID": "", 
    "LocationNum": "", 
    "Name": "", 
    "Notes" : "",
    "POReq": false, 
    "ServiceAreaID": "",
    "SigReq": true, 
    "StorageLocationID": ""

Account Location Query Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

AccountNamestringIdentifies the name of the account
AccountNumstringContains a value that uniquely identifies the account record. This must be a unique value across all account objects.

Identifies the type of account.

Valid values are:

  • 1001 - Business
  • 1002 - Residential

The address details for the account location.


An optional collection of contacts at the account location.

EmailstringThe primary email address for the account location.
LanguageIDstringThe language code identifier associated with the account location.
LocationNumstringThe unique account location number. This number must be globally unique.
NamestringA simple name of the account location.
NotesstringGeneral notes about the account location.
POReqbooleanIdentifies if a purchase order number is required at the time of the visit. If this field is not present, it will default to false.

The service area the account location is associated with.



Identifies if a signature is required to complete the work order process. The application has a default global setting related to signature capture. If this property is specified, then its value will override the system default.

Valid values are:

  • false = Signature capture is not required for the account location.
  • true = Signature capture is required for the account location.
StorageLocationIDstringThe inventory storage location identifier for the account location.