14.1 sp511_audit_sp206

14.1 sp511_audit_sp206

This table provides an audit trail of changes made to table sp206_capabilities (skills only).


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Audit group.


Table Definition

timestampdate (tick)
sequencenumber (tick)
usernamevarchar2(256) (tick)
osuservarchar2(256) (tick)
machinevarchar2(64) (tick)
programvarchar2(256) (tick)
session_idnumber (tick)
process_idvarchar2(22) (tick)
employee_nonumber(9) (tick)
old_resource_nonumber(9) (tick)
old_start_datedate (tick)
old_end_datedate (tick)
old_skill_levelnumber(2) (tick)
old_is_derivednumber(1) (tick)
new_resource_nonumber(9) (tick)
new_start_datedate (tick)
new_end_datedate (tick)
new_skill_levelnumber(2) (tick)
new_is_derivednumber(1) (tick)


Column Descriptions

timestamp Date and time at which these details were saved. Uses the time zone of the DBMS server machine.
sequence Unique identifier: the sequence number of the update.
osuser Operating system user.
machineMachine logged onto. 
program Program name.
session_id DBMS session id of the session performing the update.
process_idUnix process id (pid) - a number. 
employee_noEmployee identifier.
old_resource_no Old identifier of the resource.
old_start_date Old date on which the employee or work location acquires the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone.
old_end_dateOld date on which the employee or work location gives up the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone. 
old_skill_levelOld skill level. 
old_is_derivedOld is_derived flag - a value of 1 indicates that the skill was derived from the crew members' skills; 0 that it was not. 
new_resource_noIdentifier of the resource. 
new_start_date Date on which the employee or work location acquires the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone.
new_end_date Date on which the employee or work location gives up the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone.
new_skill_levelSkill level. 

Flag - a value of 1 indicates that the skill was derived from the crew members' skills; 0 that it was not.

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