14.1 sp503_api_audit

14.1 sp503_api_audit

This table records API calls. API auditting is enabled using sp083_system_parameters parameter "api_audit". If enabled, all C and SOAP API calls are auditted, with the exception of connection and disconnection calls.


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Audit group.


Table Definition

sequence_nonumber(9) (error)
timestampdate (error)
operationvarchar2(40) (error)
durationfloat (error)
in_paramsvarchar2(1024) (error)
out_paramsvarchar2(1024) (tick)



Column Descriptions

sequence_no Unique identifier: the sequence number of the update.
timestampTimestamp of start of processing of API call. (Uses the time zone of the DBMS server machine).
operationAPI identifier. Relates to the C function name or SOAP operation name, although may not exactly match either. 
duration Duration of API processing in ServiceOptimizer, in seconds.
in_paramsData supplied to the API call, in ServiceOptimizer protocol message format (internal, unpublished, may change without prior notification between major releases).If the amount of data would exceed the field length, the data is truncated and the last 3 characters are replaced with a continuation marker "…". 
out_paramsData returned from the API call, in ServiceOptimizer protocol message format (internal, unpublished, may change without prior notification between major releases).If the amount of data would exceed the field length, the data is truncated and the last 3 characters are replaced with a continuation marker "…". 



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