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14.1 sp145_acc_hours_pattern_days

This table defines a pair of Access Hours for a day of the week. The collection of records for a specific job_no comprises that job's Access Hours Pattern. A pattern can have more than one pair of Access Hours on any given day of the week. See sp144_job_acc_hours_patterns.


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Job group.


Table Definition

job_no number(9)   (error)
day_number number(1)  (error)
ah_startnumber(4)  (error)
ah_endnumber(4)  (error)


primary_key (job_no, day_number, ah_start) 
foreign key (job_no) references sp144_job_acc_hours_patterns (job_no)

Column Descriptions

job_no The job to which this Access Hours Pattern applies. 
day_number Identifies the day of the week to which these Access Hours apply. Must be in the range 0..6 where day 0 is a Sunday, day 1 is a Monday and so on. 
ah_startStart of the Access Hours on this day. This is specified as a number of minutes offset from "0000" and is in the range 0 to 1440 (i.e. "2400"). Uses the timezone that the job was booked in (sp144.tz_no).
ah_endEnd of the Access Hours on this day. This is specified as a number of minutes offset from "0000" and is in the range 0 to 2880 (i.e. "4800"). This definition allows Access Hours to overlap midnight. Uses the timezone that the job was booked in (sp144.tz_no).