14.1 sp157_job_time_dependencies

14.1 sp157_job_time_dependencies

Each record in this table represents a time dependency between two jobs in the schedule. The fields specify how the dependent job can be placed in the schedule relative to the placement time of the target job in the schedule.


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Job group.


Table Definition

target_job_nonumber(9)  (error)
dependent_job_nonumber(9)  (error)
target_timenumber(6) (tick)
earliest_timenumber(6) (tick)
latest_timenumber(6) (tick)
target_time_relative_tonumber(1) (error)
dependent_job_uses_timenumber(1) (error)
target_time_unitsnumber(1) (error)
earliest_time_unitsnumber(1) (error)
latest_time_unitsnumber(1) (error)
cost_categorynumber(6) (tick)
dependency_group_nonumber(9) (error)


primary_key(dependency_group_no, target_job_no, dependent_job_no, target_time_relative_to, dependent_job_uses_time) 
foreign key(dependency_group_no) references 14.1 sp156_job_dependency_groups(dependency_group_no) 
foreign key (target_job_no) references 14.1 sp111_jobs (job_no) 
foreign key(dependent_job_no) references sp111_jobs(job_no) 
foreign key(cost_category) references 14.1 sp159_dependency_cost_category(category)

Column Descriptions

target_job_noThe job number for the target job in the dependency.   
dependent_job_noThe job number for the dependent job in the dependency.
target_timeThe target time relative to the target job when the dependent job should be placed in the schedule. The interpretation of this as a time or date in the schedule is governed by the target_time_units column. The actual date or time is derived from the target job ETA or ETF using the value specified in the target_time_relative_to field.
earliest_timeThe earliest time relative to the target job ETA or ETF that the dependent job could be placed. The interpretation of this as a time or date in the schedule is governed by the target_time_relative_to and earliest_time_units columns. Can be NULL for a time dependency if the job was booked with an earliest_time of SP_IntNoValue.
latest_timeThe latest time relative to the target job ETA or ETF that the dependent job could be placed. The interpretation of this as a time or date in the schedule is governed by the target_time_relative_to and latest_time_units columns. Can be NULL for a time dependency if the job was booked with an latest_time of SP_IntNoValue.

Specifies whether the target time is relative to the ETA or ETF of the target job.

0 – ETA

1 - ETF 


Specifies whether the dependent job should be placed at the target time using its ETA or ETF.

0 – ETA

1 - ETF.


Specifies whether the target_time column value is in minutes, hours or days.

0 – minutes

1 – hours

2 - days.


Specifies whether the earliest_time column value is in minutes, hours or days.

0 – minutes

1 – hours

2 - days.


Specifies whether the latest_time column value is in minutes, hours or days.

0 – minutes

1 – hours

2 - days.

cost_categoryThe category of cost weighting to be applied for costing when a dependent job in the dependency cannot meet the target time constraint.
dependency_group_noCross-references sp156_job_dependency_groups. dependency_group_no.

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