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14.1 sp108_job_details

This table contains details of the date and time at which a job is required to be carried out. It also contains: details of the size of crew required for the job; any preference for the person (or crew) to be assigned to the job, or for the depot to be used to supply the person or crew; details of the penalty to be used by the scheduler, should the job be unresourced; and an indication of whether or not the job was "forced".


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Job group.

Table Definition









Key TypeColumnReference TableReference Column
primary keyjob_no

foreign keyprimary_employee14.1 sp210_employeesemployee_no
foreign keysecondary_employee14.1 sp210_employeesemployee_no
foreign keyanalysis_no14.1 sp070_activity_standardsanalysis_no
foreign keyreq_emp_type14.1 sp308_req_emp_typesreq_emp_type
foreign keyfixed_reason_no14.1 sp228_fixed_reasonsfixed_reason_no
foreign keyrestriction_nosp073_restriction_typesrestriction_no
foreign keyvwdlLocationType/wiki/spaces/SCH141/pages/27066920location

Column Descriptions

job_no  Job identifier.
contract_start Start of the date range during which the job must be carried out. Uses RU Time Zone.
contract_completionEnd of the date range during which the job must be carried out. Uses RU Time Zone.
primary_employeeIdentifier of an employee who is either preferred or mandated (by the user) for the task, or who must not be assigned to the task.
secondary_employeeIdentifier of a secondary employee who is either preferred or mandated for the task, or who must not be assigned to the task.
req_emp_typeFlag indicating how primary_employee and secondary_employee are to be treated -
  • 0 - No employee preference.
  • 1 - Either primary or secondary employee is preferred; neither is mandatory.
  • 2 - Either primary or secondary employee must be used; no other is allowed.
  • 3 - Either primary or secondary employee is preferred. Primary employee should be used in preference to secondary employee.
  • 4 - Either primary or secondary employee must be used; no other is allowed. Primary employee should be used in preference to secondary employee.
  • 5 - Both primary and secondary employee are prohibited from doing the job.
analysis_noIdentifier of a job analysis (activity standard) which specifies the required skill.
forcedBit-field indicating which option was used to force the appointment. For values see file spoptions.h.
statusIndicates whether the job is fixed in its current position on the schedule.
  • 0 - Job is not fixed in its position on the schedule. This is the default state.
  • 1 - Job is fixed in its position on the schedule.
offerHolds the offer options passed through ABS when booking the job.
booked_to_intrayThis is (only) set to true when a job is booked (forced) to the intray and is then used for the 'forced' indicator on the Gantt client.
appointment_earliestThe earliest date and time at which an appointment can be started - uses FRU Time Zone. This field is NULL if the job is not an appointment.
appointment_latestThe latest date and time at which an appointment can be started - uses FRU Time Zone. This field is NULL if the job is not an appointment.
overdue_timeThe overdue time (in minutes) of the job for both appointments and non-appointments.
transaction_idSee sp599_transaction_audit for details.
booked_durationThe nominal amount of working time (in minutes) that a job was predicted to take when it was booked assuming a notional operative efficiency of 100% and ignoring the effect of jobs being in same-site groups.Includes overhead time, excludes travel and break.
booked_overheadThe nominal amount of overhead time (in minutes) that a job was predicted to take when it was booked ignoring the effect of jobs being in same-site groups.
normalised_scheduled_durationCurrent expected working time (in seconds) of the job assuming a notional operative efficiency of 100%. Excludes overhead time, travel and break. Updated to reflect modifications to the job's duration after booking. The content of this field is undefined if this is an All Day Job.
normalised_scheduled_overheadCurrent expected overhead (in minutes) of the job ignoring the effect of jobs being in same-site groups. Updated to reflect modifications to the job's duration after booking. The content of this field is undefined if this is an All Day Job.
requires_confirmationIndicates whether the job needs confirming with the customer. If set to 1 then it needs to be confirmed. If set to 0 then it doesn't – though it could still be confirmed anyway.
fixed_reason_noIf the job is fixed, this field gives the identifier for sp228_fixed_reasons.
user_idThe identifier for the user who fixed the job, if it has been fixed.
fixed_rsn_dateThe date on which the job was fixed, with a reason.
fixed_commentA textual description of why the job has been fixed.
restriction_noDefines that the restriction type that a gantt user must have assigned in order to see sensitive data on this job (provided the restricted job functionality is enabled).
Reminder_Notification_SentIndicates a reminder notification has been sent. 1 is sent, 0 is not sent.
PAUSEDIndicates the job is paused. 1 is paused, 0 is not paused.

The "Virtual Work Dynamic Location" type.

  • 0 - Home.
  • 1 - Work.
  • 2 - Depot.
  • 3 - Specified.
  • 4 - None.

The token being returned by the OfferAppt/OfferMult request and will contain the promset (SP256.listName) and timebandtype (SP259.BandType)