14.1 sp354_fru_capacity_overrides

14.1 sp354_fru_capacity_overrides

This table allows the capacity levels applicable at FRU level, defined in a capacity pattern, to be overridden on a particular date in an FRU. 

The levels that are being overridden could be defined by a team capacity pattern assignment in sp355_team_cap_assignments or an FRU capacity pattern assignment in sp353_fru_cap_assignments. So for example if a team in the FRU has a team capacity pattern assignment defined then it is overridden by records in this table. 

The set of records for a particular FRU/date make up the levels that apply on that date. Records are expected to be present for each capacity category. However, if any records are missing then ServiceOptimizer will assume a reserve value of 0% and a limit of 100%. 


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Global group.


Table Definition

capacity_category_nonumber(9) (error)
fru_nonumber(9) (error)
override_datedate (error)
reservenumber(3) (error)
limitnumber(3) (error)


primary key sp354_pk (capacity_category_no, fru_no, override_date) 
foreign key sp354_fk_sp058 (fru_no) references /wiki/spaces/SCH141/pages/27099986(resp_unit_no) 
foreign key sp354_fk_sp350 (capacity_category_no) references 14.1 sp350_capacity_categories(capacity_category_no)

Column Descriptions

capacity_category_noThe capacity category number.
fru_noThe FRU identifier.
override_dateThe date on which the override applies (FRU time zone).
reserveThe percentage reserved.
limitThe percentage limit.

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