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Running the Pre-Update Script

This script will analyse the database schema, considering a number of cases where data could possibly be lost or corrupted if the database is upgraded.  If the script reports any such cases, please contact your ServicePower consultant who will advise of the required next steps.

Execute the following steps (in the order given)...
  1. Find the file named pre_upgrade_check.sql.
  2. Start an appropriate tool and connect to the relevant database and schema.
  3. Open the pre_upgrade_check.sql script.
  4. Execute the queries in this script.
  5. Follow up on any advice given by the script.

Where can the pre_upgrade_check.sql be found?

‘database/SQLServer’ directory‘database/Oracle’ directory

What tools can I use for running this script?

 Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Start an SQL*Plus session

How do I execute the script from the tools suggested above?


Ensure that all output from the script is visible by issuing the following command from within the SQL*Plus session:

set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped

Run the above SQL file by issuing the following command from within the SQL*Plus session:
