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14.1 sp406_monitors

This table contains the data associated with the system monitor processes. It includes both the master system monitor and (for a distributed ServiceOptimizer instance) slave system monitors.


Table Definition

component_nonumber (error)
heartbeat_portnumber (tick)
heartbeat_addressvarchar2(50) (tick)
pidnumber (tick)
PCI_portnumber (tick)
PCI_addressvarchar2(50) (tick)
monitor_statenumber (error)


primary key (component_no) 
foreign key (component_no) references 14.1 sp400_components (component_no) 
foreign key (monitor_state) references 14.1 sp407_monitor_state_decodes (state_no)

Primary Key Referenced From


Column Descriptions

component_noComponent identifier.
heartbeat_portCurrent port number that the monitor is listening for heartbeats on(Always NULL for a slave system monitor.).
heartbeat_addressAddress (IP or host name) for the port that the monitor is currently listening for heartbeats on.(Always NULL for a slave system monitor.).
pid Current PID of the monitor (NULL if monitor has exited normally).
PCI_portCurrent port number that the monitor is listening for Process Control commands on.
PCI_addressAddress (IP or host name) for the port that the monitor is currently listening for Process Control commands on.
osuserOperating system user that ran the last monitor process (for recovery purposes, this is null if monitor has exited normally).
monitor_stateState of the system monitor.