14.1 sp400_components

14.1 sp400_components

This table gives all the required information to start a component process.


Table Definition

component_nonumber (error)
component_idvarchar2(15) (error)
component_typenumber (error)
parametersvarchar2(200) (tick) 
host_machinevarchar2(64) (tick) 
fru_nonumber(4) (tick)
activenumber(1) (error)
max_restartsnumber (tick)
trace_mask_nonumber (tick)
max_log_file_sizenumber (tick)
trace_cycle_enablednumber(1) (tick)


primary key (component_no) 
unique (component_id) 
unique (fru_no) 
foreign key (component_type) references 14.1 sp405_component_types (type_no) 
foreign key (fru_no) references /wiki/spaces/SCH141/pages/27099986 (resp_unit_no) 
foreign key (trace_mask_no) references 14.1 sp412_trace_masks (trace_mask_no)

Primary Key Referenced From



Column Descriptions

component_noInternal identifier for the component.

Textual identifier for the component.

(warning) This column does not support wide (i.e. multibyte) characters.

component_typeType of process as in sp405.
parametersCommand line parameters other than those automatically supplied by spsysmon.
host_machineSpecifies the host machine on which this component should run. If this field is set to NULL, "localhost" or the master System Monitor's host, then this component will run on the same host as the master System Monitor. Otherwise the specified host must exist in sp416_host_machines. The host on which a system monitor is configured is not specified here but in sp416_host_machines instead: this field will always be NULL for a system monitor. 
fru_noIf component is an spfru, which fru it is serving.
activeBoolean: whether monitor should start/update this process or not.
max_restartsNumber of times restart can be attempted if the process fails to start cleanly.
trace_mask_no Specifies the trace level used by this component for diagnostic log output. If null, sp083_system_parameters value glob_trace_mask_no will be used instead.
max_log_file_sizeSpecifies the maximum size of the diagnostic log file produced by this component, in Mb. When this limit is reached older entries are overwritten. If null, sp083_system_parameters value glob_trace_max_file_size will be used instead. 
trace_cycle_enabledLog file can either re-cycle or create a new instance once a maximum size has been reached. Default (1) use log re-cycling.

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