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14.1 sp822_smaudit

This table records ServiceManager user updates. Each record in the table relates to a single record in one of the tables in the range sp823_smaudit_empattr through to sp832_smaudit_empoverride. The value of the operation_type column indicates the type of operation carried out by the user, and therefore which of the tables the details of the operation is stored in. The category, category_id, and name record the entity type (e.g. 'Operative'), unique identifier (e.g. a sp210_employees.employee_ref value), and description (e.g. value) of the entity affected. A timestamp column records when the operation was carried out. 


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Audit group.


Table Definition

audit_seq_nonumber(9) (error)
operation_typevarchar2(30) (error)
user_idvarchar2(50) (error)
timestampdate (error)
category_typevarchar2(10) (error)
category_idvarchar2(25) (error)
category_namevarchar2(50) (tick)


primary key (audit_seq_no) 
foreign key (category_type) references sp820_smaudit_category_types (category _type) 
foreign key (operation_type) references sp821_smaudit_operation_types (operation_type)

Column Descriptions

audit_seq_no Unique identifier : the sequence number of the action.
operation_typeMnemonic for operation e.g. EmpUpdate.AddSkill, 
EmpCreate.Attr, EmpUpdate.RemWorkPatternLKRange.
user_idOS User.
timestamp Date and time at which these details were saved. (Uses the time zone of the DBMS server machine).
category_typeThe type of entity of category_id / name.
category_idServiceOptimizer unique identifier of the entity affected e.g. 
category_nameServiceOptimizer descriptive identifier of the entity affected e.g.