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14.1 sp070_activity_standards

Each record in this table provides a standard job duration for a given task type.


Table Definition

analysis_nonumber(6) (error)
analysis_refvarchar2(30) (error)
start_datedate (error)
end_datedate (tick)
activity_typenumber(2) (error)
task_categoryvarchar2(10) (tick)
descriptionvarchar2(40) (tick)
description2varchar2(6) (tick)
description3varchar2(6) (tick)
description4varchar2(6) (tick)
description5varchar2(6) (tick)
job_durationnumber(11) (tick)
crew_sizenumber(2) (tick)
delaynumber(3) (tick)
key_not_allowednumber(1) (error)
forceablenumber(9) (error)
bulk_allowednumber(1) (error)
bulk_typenumber(1) (tick)
bulk_windownumber(3) (tick)
bulk_offsetnumber(3) (tick)
bulk_originnumber(1) (tick)
exclusion_periodnumber(3) (tick)
exclusion_offsetnumber(3) (tick)
letter_lead_timenumber(3) (tick)
band_typevarchar2(2) (tick)
band_typevarchar2(2) (tick)
job_categorynumber(1) (error)
overhead_timenumber(8)  (tick)
capacity_category_nonumber(9) (tick)
fragmentation_allowednumber(1) (error)
min_split_job_durationnumber (tick)
min_first_frag_durationnumber (tick)
min_frag_durationnumber (tick)
max_split_jobsnumber (tick)
max_fragment_gapnumber (tick)
field_idvarchar2(100) (error)


primary key (analysis_no) 

unique (analysis_ref) 

foreign key (activity_type) references 14.1 sp105_activity_types (activity_type) 

foreign key (task_category) references 14.1 sp260_task_categories (task_category) 

foreign key (band_type) references 14.1 sp258_band_types (band_type) 

foreign key (job_category) references 14.1 sp071_job_categories (job_category) 

foreign key (bulk_type) references sp273_bulk_appt_types (bulk_type) 

foreign key (capacity_category_no) references 14.1 sp350_capacity_categories (capacity_category_no) 

foreign key (field_id) references 14.1 sp900_language_translation (field_id)

Primary Key Referenced From


Column Descriptions

analysis_noServiceOptimizer-generated unique identifier 
analysis_refEnd users' unique identifier (task code) 
start_dateDate from/on which the task type is valid/was created – date only; time portion should not be used – uses sp083.tz_default 
end_dateDate until which the task type is valid – date only; time portion should not be used – uses sp083.tz_default 
activity_typeActivity type identifier 
task_categoryUser defined category identifier
descriptionJob analysis description 
description2User-defined text, described in sp303.
description3User-defined text, described in sp303. 
description4User-defined text, described in sp303
description5User-defined text, described in sp303. 
job_durationStandard duration in minutes for tasks of this type. 
crew_sizeNo longer supported 
delayNumber of days lead time for this type of job - i.e. the number of days which must elapse from the date of booking before the job may be carried out. 
key_not_allowedNo longer supported 

Flag indicating whether jobs of this type may be forced: 
0 - jobs may not be forced
1 - jobs may be forced.

The field is larger than a single digit to allow for future expansion, e.g. the use of 'forced' options as in sp108. 

bulk_allowedNo longer supported
bulk_typeNo longer supported
bulk_windowNo longer supported
bulk_offsetNo longer supported
bulk_originNo longer supported 
exclusionNo longer supported
exclusion_periodNo longer supported 
exclusion_offsetNo longer supported
fixed_work_locNo longer supported
letter_lead_timeNo longer supported 
band_typeNo longer supported 
first_part_minMinimum duration, in minutes, for the first part of a fragmented job (a "long job") of this type. Must be in the range 0 to 1440. Defaults to 240. Not yet supported. 
job_categorythe category group to which this job type belongs. 
overhead_timean overhead time which is added to the normal 100% efficiency duration time for the Task Type 
capacity_category_nocapacity category for jobs of this type 
field_idlook up into sp900_language_translation for language translations for Description (Description2,3,4,5 are currently not translatable)