UpdateProductInfo RESTified API
Resource URL Summary
Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Update Product Info" API
PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/updateCallScheduleInfo
HTTP Headers
This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.
API Specifics
Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Update Product Info" API
This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the Dispatch sub-system's "Update Product Info" API (when configured).
PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/updateCallScheduleInfo
HTTP Request Body
This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the Dispatch "Update Product Info" API.
UpdateProductInfo Object Format
{ "MfgSvcrAcct": "FSSTEST", "Id": "CT.2019-4-30.100192", "Assets": [ { "Mfg": "GE", "ProdLine": "REF", "Model": "1125369", "SerialNum": "22563666", "InServiceDate": "2019-01-01", "RetailerId": "test", "RetailerName": "test" } ] }
UpdateProductInfo Object Properties
Property | Type | Required? | Description | Dispatch Field Mapping | |||
MfgSvcrAcct | string | No | This servicer Id given by the requestor. | MfgSvcrAcct | |||
Id | string | No | The call number that was used when the call was originally created. | CallNo | |||
Assets | array | No | Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Update Product Info" API. | - | |||
Mfg | string | No | This is the unique identifier in the client CRM which identifies the Brand of the Product requiring service. | BrandCode | |||
ProdLine | string | No | This is the unique identifier in the client CRM which identifies the Product requiring service. |
| |||
Model | string | No | The Model ID of the product. This is used in Claims Processing. |
| |||
SerialNum | string | No | The Serial ID of the Product. This is used in Claims Processing. |
| |||
InServiceDate | string | No | The date the product was originally put in service. This is used in Claims Processing. | InstallDate | |||
RetailerId | string | No | The Unique Identifier for the retailer displayed to servicer. | RetailerId | |||
RetailerName | string | No | The name of retailer, displayed to servicer. | RetailerName |
HTTP Response
On success, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Update Product Info" API response will be returned.
{ "MFGID": "9999", "Id": "CT.2019-4-30.100192", "AckMsg": "CALL DETAIL UPDTED SUCCESSFULL" }
On error, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Update Product Info" API response will be returned.
{ "Success": false, "Code": 9, "Payload": { "returnCode": { "type": "Error", "message": "Dispatch Error Code" } } }
Return Codes
In addition to the Standard Return Codes, and the Dispatch Error codes, individual API calls made have unique codes found on their individual pages.