GetStatusEnquiry RESTified API

GetStatusEnquiry RESTified API


A pass-through API to Dispatch (when configured) which allows the Dispatch's "Get Status Enquiry" API to be called.           

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Resource URL Summary

Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Get Status Enquiry" API

PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/getStatusEnquiry   

HTTP Headers

This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.

API Specifics  

These elements contains the date and datetime objects. If your language does not understand these object types, then the definition is included.




CallNo String(20)The call number that was used when the call was originally created.
StartDate String(20)

Starting date to search for status history (format for this is YYYYDDMM).


Ending date to search for status history

(format for this is YYYYDDMM).


Starting time to search for status history

(format for this is HH24:MI).


Ending Time to search for status history

(format for this is HH24:MI).

CallStatusCallStatusEnquiryReqCallStatusLimit the search to only a certain status.
SecStatusCallStatusEnquiryReqSecStatusLimit the search to only a certain secondary status MaxAttempt, Unassigned.

Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Get Status Enquiry" API

This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the Dispatch sub-system's "Get Status Enquiry" API (when configured).


PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/getStatusEnquiry

HTTP Request Body

This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" APi.

GetStatusEnquiry Object Format

	"Id": "",
	"CallStatus": "",
	"SecStatus": "",
	"StartDate": "",
	"StartTime": "",
	"EndDate": "",
	"EndTime": ""

GetStatusEnquiry Object Properties

PropertyTypeRequired?DescriptionDispatch Field Mapping
IdstringNoPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API. CallNo
CallStatusstringNoPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.CallStatus
SecStatusstringNoPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.SecStatus

Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.


Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.


Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.


Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API.


HTTP Response


On success, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API response will be returned.

GetStatusEnquiry Response Object Format

    "AckMsg": "",
    "WorkItemCount": "4",
    "WorkItems": [
            "MFGID": "9999",
            "Id": "ka.2019-8-7.100263",
            "WorkStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "WorkSubStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "SPSvcrAcct": "FSSTEST",
            "UpdatedDate": "2019-11-04T11:47:00.000Z",
            "CompletedDate": "2019-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
            "Payment": [
                    "POAmount": "0"
            "Booking": {
                "ServiceOrg": "FSSTEST",
                "SchdStart": "2019-08-09T12:00:00.000Z",
                "SchdEnd": "2019-08-09T23:00:00.000Z"
		// ...

GetStatusEnquiry Response Object Properties

AckMsgstringDescription of the response success.
WorkItemCountstringThe number of Dispatch Servicer objects in the WorkItems array.
WorkItemsarrayAn array of objects, each representing the status for a Dispatch Work Item.

MFGIDstringThe Dispatch Work Item MfgSvcrAcct value.

IdstringThe Dispatch Work Item CallNo value.

WorkStatusstringThe Dispatch Work Item work status.

WorkSubStatusstringThe Dispatch Work Item work sub-status.

SPSvcrAcctstringThe Dispatch Work Item ServicePower account number.

UpdatedDatestringThe Dispatch Work Item updated date.

CompletedDatestringThe Dispatch Work Item completed date.

PaymentarrayAn array containing details of the Work Item payment information.

POAmountstringThe Dispatch PO amount value.

BookingobjectAn object containing details of the Work Item booking.

ServiceOrgstringThe Dispatch Work Item service organization.

SchdStartstringThe Dispatch Work Item scheduled start date/time.

SchdEndstringThe Dispatch Work Item scheduled end date/time.


On error, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Get Status Enquiry" API response will be returned.

    "Success": false,
    "Code": 9,
    "Payload": {
        "returnCode": {
            "type": "Error",
            "message": "Dispatch Error Code"

Return Codes

In addition to the Standard Return Codes, and the Dispatch Error codes, individual API calls made have unique codes found on their individual pages.

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