REST Objects ServiceGPS Provider

REST Objects ServiceGPS Provider


The ServiceGPS Provider object is part of the overall ServiceBroker Configuration object, in the following location:

A ServiceGPS Provider object is used within the context of a REST Objects Providers (itself part of an REST Objects Configuration) to represent the details of how ServiceBroker is to be integrated with ServiceGPS for the relevant tenant.  


ServiceGPS Provider Object Format

JSON Format
	"Enabled": true,
	"User": "",
	"Password": "",
	"Company": "",
	"IdType": ""

ServiceGPS Provider Object Properties

EnabledbooleanYesShould integration with ServiceGPS be used?
UserstringNoThe username to use to connect to ServiceGPS. Required when Enabled is true.
PasswordstringNoThe password to use to connect to ServiceGPS. Required when Enabled is true.
CompanystringNoThe ServiceGPS tenant (account) to connect to. Required when Enabled is true.
IdTypestringNoEither Driver or Vehicle, representing the type of GPS device used by the Company (i.e. mobile GPS device carried by the worker, or a GPS device attached to the worker's vehicle). Required when Enabled is true.