Time Entry - Weekly Summary

Time Entry - Weekly Summary


The Time Entry Weekly Summary form provides the technician with a chart and time summary based on all time entries made during a specific week.  The view is a chart and list of categories grouped by week.  The start and end of the given week is configurable by entity.  For example, the week may be defined as Sunday to Monday, Monday to Sunday, etc.  The time entry window is the total amount of time where data is available to for viewing and entry.  This is configurable by Entity (i.e. today - 30 days through today + 30 days, today - 60 days through today + 30 days, today - 90 days through today + 60 days, etc.).

The Weekly Summary screen consists of four parts:

  • Calendar Navigation - (via - Top Navigation Bar) - Controls navigation through time period calendar.
  • Header Bar - Displays the date range (time period) and allows user to navigate day by day.
  • Chart - Displays a pie chart with percentages based on time entry category summary data.
  • Time Entry Category - Displays time entry category summary data for date range selected.

User Interface


Functional Requirements

Title Bar

Title bar

Calendar Icon Button

  • The Calendar Icon Button is in the left-most position on the title bar. 
  • Upon tapping the Calendar Button, the pop-up calendar form overlays the Time Entry Summary screen
  • See the Pop-Up Calendar section for details.

Header Bar

Weekly Summary - Header

Back Arrow Button

  • The Back Arrow Button is in the left-most position of the List Header. 
  • The Back Arrow Button is disabled if the Selected Week is the first week in the time entry window.
  • Upon tapping on the Back Arrow Button,
    • The user toggles to the show the week prior to the Selected Week.
    • The data in the main content panel should reflect the previous week's data.

Selected Week

  • The Selected Week field displays the date range for which the time entries records are associated.
  • The date format is as follows: [Abbreviated Month] [Day] -  [Abbreviated Month] [Day] [Year].

Forward Arrow Button

  • The Forward Arrow Button is in the right-most position of the List Header. 
  • The Forward Arrow Button is disabled if the Selected Week is the last week allowed in the time entry time window.
    • The user toggles to the show the week after the Selected Week.
    • The data in the main content panel should reflect the next week's data.



The Summary chart will display a pie chart broken down by time entry categories.  The pie chart is read only.

Chart details

The chart date is a weighted average of all time entry records by category from the selected date range

The data format for the chart is by percent with no decimal places.  Percentages must be rounded up when above .5 % and round down when .5% or below.

ex. [Category 1 %] = ([Total time entry by category 1] / [Total time entries hrs/mins])

  • Travel  58% = 26 hrs / 45 hrs

Totals hours

Total hours is a summation of all categories

Total hours = Sum(All time entry records by categories from the selected date range)

The total hours format is displayed as [XX hrs.  XX mins.)

Category List


The Category List displays all categories from a selected date range.        

Category List Details

The list is sorted in descending order by category hours (highest at the top/lowest at the bottom).  The user should be able to tap anywhere on the list to navigate to the category/activities detail screen.


Data must be displayed as [HH h MM m    P%].  Rule: Must display percentages without decimal places.  Percentages must be rounded up when .5 % and round down when .5% or below.

Ex. 10 h  25 m  15%

Bottom Navigation Bar


Time Entry - Bottom Navigation Bar


Bottom Navigation Bar Elements

  • The Home button is in the 1st position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • Tapping the Home button navigates to the Field Service Home screen
  • The Daily button is in the 2nd position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • This button has no associated navigation in this form and should be highlighted to denote the current business process.
  • The Summary button is in the 3rd position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • Tapping the Summary button navigates to the Time Entry - Summary screen.
  • This More button is in the 4th position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • There is currently no navigation defined for this button.