Time Entry - Add Time

Time Entry - Add Time

Time Entry - Add Time


The Time Entry - Add Time screen provides the user with the following capabilities:

  • Add new Time Entry record.

User Interface




Form Elements

Title Bar


Add Time - Title Bar


Cancel Button

  • The Cancel Button is in the left-most position on the title bar. 
  • Upon tapping the Cancel Button, a Yes/No Message Box is displayed with the following message:
    • Discard Changes? [Yes] [No]
      • User Selects Yes:
        • Message box closes
        • Record is discarded
        • User navigates back to Time Entry - Daily screen.
      • User Selects No:
        • Message box closes
        • Navigation canceled and user remains on Time Entry - Add Time screen.

Done Button

  • The Done Button is in the right-most position on the title bar. 
  • Upon tapping the Done Button, the following conditions are validated:
    • There newly created time entry record may not overlap with any existing time entry records.
    • The following fields must contain values:
      • Activity
      • Starts
      • Ends
      • Reference [conditional]
        • If the time category selected equals Work, Reference must contain a value
  • If any of the conditions are not met (validation fails)
    • Message box is displayed with the following message: Please enter all required fields [OK].
    • All required fields that do not contain a value are highlighted with red text.



Add Time - Duration


  • The Duration field represents the total duration of the current activity.
  • Duration is calculated based on the elapsed time input in the Start and End time fields.
  • No value is displayed in the Duration field prior to the entry of both Start and End time fields.
  • Duration is displayed in the following format: [HH:MM]



Add Time - Activity Field


  • The Activity field represents the activity performed.
  • The activity (if one exists) associated with the Time Entry Record should be displayed in this field to the right of the label.
  • If no activity has been selected, the field should be blank (as shown above).
  • Upon tapping on the Activity field, the activity selection list is displayed.



Add Time - Start/End


  • Starts
    • The Starts field represents the date and time the activity was started.
    • The value displayed in the field is as follows:
      • If the User Start DateTime has been entered, then the User Start DateTime is displayed.
      • If the User Start DateTime has not been entered, then the System Start DateTime is displayed.
    • The Starts value should be displayed in the following format: [MM/DD/YY HH:MM] [AM/PM]
  • Ends
    • The Ends field represents the date and time the activity was completed.
    • The value displayed in the field is as follows:
      • If the User End DateTime has been entered, then the User End DateTime is diplayed.
      • If the User End DateTime has not been entered, then the System End DateTime is displayed.
    • The Ends value should be displayed in the following format: [MM/DD/YY HH:MM] [AM/PM]
  • Upon tapping on the Starts/Ends field, the user navigates to the Add Time - StartsEnds screen and the default date is the Selected Datedisplayed on the Time Entry - Daily screen with the default time being the current time.



Add Time - Reference Field


  • The Reference field is a free-form alphanumeric character field which the user may use as a reference for the associated Activity (i.e. A user would use a work order or customer as a reference to a user-created work or travel time entry record).
  • This field appears only if the Activity
  • This field should be formatted as follows: Ref: [Reference].
  • Tapping the field will navigate to the Add Time - Reference screen.

This field will not be included in the current iteration of the product.  This will be included in the implementation of the system attribute model.


  • The Notes field is a free-form alphanumeric character field which the user may capture any notes associated with the Time Entry Record.
  • The Notes field should display the first 20 characters of the notes text followed by a ... if the field contains more than 20 characters to indicate that there is more text available.
  • Upon tapping the field, the user navigates to the Add Time - Notes screen where the user may view and edit the content of the Notesfield.

This field will not be included in the current iteration of the product.  This will be included in the implementation of the system attribute model.

Bottom Navigation Bar


Time Entry - Bottom Navigation Bar


Bottom Navigation Bar Elements

  • The Home button is in the 1st position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • Tapping the Home button navigates to the Field Service Home screen
  • The Daily button is in the 2nd position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • This button has no associated navigation in this form and should be highlighted to denote the current business process.
  • The Summary button is in the 3rd position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • Tapping the Summary button navigates to the Time Entry - Summary screen.
  • This More button is in the 4th position of the Bottom Navigation Bar. 
  • There is currently no navigation defined for this button.

Navigation to Time Entry - Add Time

Scenario: Navigating to Add Time from Time Entry - Daily

  • All fields on the screen are blank (contain no values).
  • The Daily Button should be highlighted denoting the current business process.

Scenario: All others

When navigating  to the Time Entry - Add Time form for all non-specified conditions (e.g. upon changing a value in the Add Time - Activity and tapping "Done", etc), the form should remember the state it was in prior to navigation.

Data Dictionary


Acceptance Criteria