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14.1 sp601_report_date_ranges

This table provides named date ranges for use within Analytics reports, each set of date ranges is associated with a category from sp600_report_date_categories.


Table Definition

idvarchar2(20) (error)
descriptionvarchar2(20) (error)
startdatedate (error)
enddatedate (error)
durationnumber(38) (error)
categorynumber(38) (error)


primary key (id) 
foreign key (categoryid) references sp600_report_date_categories(id)

Column Descriptions

id Identifier for this date range.
description A descriptive text describing the date range, display on the reporting pages.
startdateThe starting date for this range (inclusive). 
enddate The ending date for this range (inclusive). enddate must be greater than or equal to startdate otherwise the reports will issue a (non fatal) warning. No trigger provided to validate this.
duration Defines the duration from the start date using the calendar period defined in sp600.period.
categoryidReference to sp600_report_date_categories(id) to define which category this date range belongs to.