14.1 sp130_gantt_timescales

14.1 sp130_gantt_timescales

This table contains the timescales which have been defined by the system administrator. A timescale is used by the Gantt client to minimise the amount of off-shift time displayed.

 If end_time is less than start_time then the periods the Gantt displays are over midnight and start on the days specified. For example, if start time is 20:00 (1200 minutes), end time is 10:00 (600 minutes) and the days shown are Saturday and Sunday. Then the times displayed will be Sat 20:00 to Sun 10:00 and Sun 20:00 to Mon 10:00.

 By default 4 timescales are set up called '24 hour', 'Day', 'Night' and 'Weekend'.


Table Definition

timescale_namevarchar2(30)    (error)
display_sequence  number(2)   (error)
start_timenumber(4)  (error)
end_timenumber(4)  (error)
show_mondaynumber(1)  (error)
show_tuesdaynumber(1)  (error)
show_wednesdaynumber(1)  (error)
show_thursdaynumber(1)  (error)
show_fridaynumber(1)  (error)
show_saturdaynumber(1)  (error)
show_sundaynumber(1)  (error)
field_idvarchar2(100)  (error)


primary key (timescale_name) 
foreign key (field_id) references sp900_language_translation (field_id)

Column Descriptions

timescale_name Depreciated - The name of the pattern - this text is used on the Gantt display.
display_sequence A number used to order the sequence in which timescales are listed on the Gantt 
start_timeThe time of day at which the display period starts. This is expressed as a number of minutes since the start of the day and is in the range 0 to 1440. (00:00 to 24:00)
end_timeThe time of day at which the display period ends. This is expressed as a number of minutes since the start of the day and is in the range 0 to 1440 (00:00 to 24:00)
show_mondayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_tuesdayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_wednesdayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_thursdayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_fridayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_saturdayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
show_sundayA value of 1 indicates that the day is included in the timescale. A value of 0 indicates it is not.
field_idKey to language translations for timescale_name.

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