

This table defines periods where an SLA job's service hours pattern does not apply.

The service hours that do apply within these periods are specified in table sp149_job_serv_hours_overrides.

If there's an underlying pattern, then records in this table will start at the end of the last unaffected underlying service hours, and end at the start of the next unaffected service hours. If there's no underlying pattern, then a single record will be added to this table that starts at the start of the first override and ends at the end of the last override.


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Job group.


Table Definition

job_nonumber(9)  (error)
overridden_period_start date  (tick)
overridden_period_enddate (tick)


foreign key (job_no) references sp111_jobs (job_no)

Column Descriptions

job_no The job to which this overridden period applies. 
overridden_period_start Customer local start of overridden period.
If the overridden period has no specific start this is set to NULL. 
overridden_period_endCustomer local end of overridden period.
If the overridden period has no specific end this is set to NULL.

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14.1 sp152_job_sho_periods
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