UI Template REST API

UI Template REST API


The UI Template REST API is used to mange mobile application user interface templates in the system. UI Templates provide a means to customize look and feel of user interface of various processes in mobile application. UI Templates are uniquely identified by TemplateID property. 

On this page:

Related pages:

Resource URL Summary

Retrieve the details of a specific UI Template

GET /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID} 

Retrieve a list of all UI Templates

GET /seiapi/v3/UITemplates

Insert or Update the details of a specific UI Template

PUT /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID}

Bulk Insert or Update the details of specific UI Templates

PUT /seiapi/v3/UITemplates

Delete a specific UI Template

DELETE /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID}

API Specific Parameters

${TemplateID}Identifies the UI Template Object.

HTTP Headers

This API uses the default ServiceMobility HTTP Headers.


API Specifics

Retrieve the details of a specific UI Template

This REST API will return an UI Template with the specified ID. The UI Template with the specified ID must already exist in the system.


GET /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID}

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response Body

On success, an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain an UI Template Object.

JSON Format
	"Desc": {
		"en": ""
	"Seq": 1,
	"TemplateID": "",
	"Template": {},
	"IncludeFields": [],
	"Type": ""

Otherwise, on error, the API returns the standard response object.

Retrieve a list of all UI Templates

This REST API will return a list of all UI Templates that exist in the system.


GET /seiapi/v3/UITemplates

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response

On success, an HTTP status of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain a collection of UI Template Object

(warning) It is possible for the returned collection to be empty if the system does not have any UI Templates. 

HTTP Response Body
        // UI Template Object
        // UI Template Object
        // etc., as required

Otherwise, on error, the API returns the standard response object.

Insert or Update the details of a specific UI Template

This REST API will insert a new UI Template with the specified ID into the system, if an UI Template with the specified ID does not already exist in the system.

If, however, the UI Template with the specified ID does already exist in the system, then this REST API will update (i.e. replace) the already existing UI Template with the specified ID with the details of the UI Template supplied in the HTTP Request Body.


PUT /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID}

HTTP Request Body

The HTTP request body must contain a valid UI Template Object.

HTTP Response

The API returns the standard response object on both success and error.

Bulk Insert or Update the details of specific UI Templates

This REST API will insert new UI Templates with the specified IDs into the system, if the UI Templates with the specified IDs do not already exist in the system.

If, however, the UI Templates with the specified IDs do already exist in the system, then this REST API will update (i.e. replace) the already existing UI Templates with the specified IDs with the details of the UI Templates supplied in the HTTP Request Body.


PUT /seiapi/v3/UITemplates

HTTP Request Body

The HTTP request body must be a JSON array of one or more UI Template Object definitions.

		// UI Template Object
		// UI Template Object
		// etc., as required

HTTP Response

The API returns the standard response object on both success and error.

Delete a specific UI Template

This REST API will delete an UI Template with the specified ID from the system. The UI Template with the specified ID must already exist in the system.


DELETE /seiapi/v3/UITemplates/${TemplateID}

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body.

HTTP Response

The API returns the standard response object on both success and error.

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