Appointment Search REST API


The Appointment Search REST API is used to search open appointment slots for a specific account location. The REST API acts as a proxy to the customer's CRM system to query open appointment slots. The response body will contain a list of open appointment slots for mobile worker(s) within a specific work center. 

Resource URL Summary

Retrieve the details of open appointment slots

POST /seiapi/v3/trans/Appointments/OpenSlots

API Specific Parameters

There are no API specific parameters for the Appointment Search REST API.

HTTP Headers

This API uses the default ServiceMobility HTTP Headers.

API Specifics

Retrieve the details of open appointment slots

This REST API will return the details of open Appointment slots, based on the specified Appointment Search Object.


POST /seiapi/v3/trans/Appointments/OpenSlots

HTTP Request Body

The HTTP request body must contain a valid Appointment Search Object

HTTP Response Body

On success, an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain open appointment slots in TimeConstraints Object collection. Otherwise, on error, the response body will contain a descriptive reason for the error. 

	"TimeConstraints": [
          "Desc": "",
          "Type": "",
          "Period": {
            "Start": "",
            "End": ""