Work Order Videos REST API

Work Order Videos REST API


The Work Order Videos REST API is used to manage videos that have been captured and saved with a Work Order. If videos were taken and associated with the Work Order then a Videos object will be present in the Work Order object. The Videos object is a collection of video details including the VideoID (required by this API), date video was captured and notes.

File types supported by Work Order Video REST API:

  • Audio Visual Interleave (.avi)
  • QuickTime Movie file (.mov)
  • MP4 Video file (.mp4, .3gp)
  • Windows Media format (.wmv)

Work Order Videos REST API will convert all file types to MP4 Video file (.mp4) before persisting file in a storage space.

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Resource URL Summary

Retrieve a Video for a specific Work Order

GET /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/${VideoID}

Attach Videos to a specific Work Order

POST /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/

Delete a Video for a specific Work Order

DELETE /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/${VideoID}

Bulk Delete Videos for a specific Work Order

DELETE /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/

API Specific Parameters


Identifies the ID of the video to be accessed.


Identifies the Work Order Object.

HTTP Headers

This API uses the default ServiceMobility HTTP Headers.

API Specifics

Retrieve a Video for a specific Work Order

This REST API will return the binary video data (with appropriate mime type HTTP header set) for the Video with the specified ID, for the Work Order with the specified ID. The Video with the specified ID and the Work Order with the specified ID must already exist in the system.


GET /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/${VideoID}

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response Body

On success, an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain the the binary data for the Video.

Otherwise, on error, the API returns the standard response object.

Attach Videos to a specific Work Order

This REST API will associate one or more Videos to the Work Order with specified ID. The Work Order with the specified ID must already exist in the system.

The REST API will store each Video as a video file in the storage service. In addition, the Work Order object with specified ID will have its Videos property updated to contain a collection for each Video uploaded, with each collection containing the Video ID, date the Video was captured, and any related notes.

This REST API requires that the Content-Type HTTP header be set to  multipart/form-data .


POST /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response Body

On success, an HTTP response code of 201 will be returned, and the response body will contain a collection of objects. Each object will contain a file name for the Video. 

		"Name": " "

Otherwise, on error, the API returns the standard response object.

Delete a Video for a specific Work Order

This REST API will delete a Video with the specified ID, for the Work Order with the specified ID, from the system. The Video with the specified ID and the Work Order with the specified ID must already exist in the system.


DELETE /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/${VideoID}

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response

The API returns the standard response object on both success and error.

Bulk Delete Videos for a specific Work Order

This REST API will delete Videos with the specified IDs, for the Work Order with the specified ID, from the system. The Videos with the specified IDs and the Work Order with the specified ID must already exist in the system.


DELETE /seiapi/v3/trans/WorkOrder/${WorkOrderNum}/Videos/

HTTP Request Body

The HTTP request body must contain a a JSON array of Video IDs to be deleted.

JSON Format
    // etc., as required

HTTP Response

The API returns the standard response object on both success and error.

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