Resource URL Summary
Pass Through Call to ServiceDispatch's "Submit Claim" API
POST /up/v5/claims
HTTP Headers
This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.
API Specifics
Pass Through Call to ServiceDispatch's "Submit Claim" API
This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the ServiceDispatch sub-system's "Submit Claim" API (when configured).
POST /up/v5/claims
HTTP Request Body
This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" APi.
SubmitClaim Object Format
{ "Claims": [ { "RequiredParts": [ { "ProdNum": "PARTNUM1", "Qty": 1, "ProdAttrs": { "Desc": "PART DESC 1", "SchematicLocation": "SL", "InvoiceNumber": "INVNUMBER1", "UnitCost": 12.15, "Returned": "N", "DistributorNumber": "PRTDIST1", "FaultCode": "FC1", "JobCode": "JC1" } }, // ... ], "Asset": { "MfgId": "DEMO", "Mfg": "SONY", "Model": "NHT915AUC", "SerialNum": "SERIAL", "PurchaseDate": 20101001 }, "Booking": { "ServiceOrgInfo": { "ServiceOrg": "11154", "LocationId": "", "Name": "LOCNAME" } }, "Location": { "Type": "", "Address": { "AddrLine1": "SOME STREET", "AddrLine2": "APT B", "City": "COSTA MESA", "Region": "CA", "Country": "USA", "PostalCode": "92626" }, "Contacts": [ { "FirstName": "JANE", "LastName": "FLOUNDER", "ContactPoint": [ { "Mode": "Phone", "Value": 7145551000 }, { "Mode": "Email", "Value": "JANEF@HOTMAIL.COM" } ] } ] }, "ClaimNumber": "XYZ1SD422F_", "DistributorNumber": "DISTNBR", "DemographicCode": "", "EiaDefectOrComplaintCode": "DFC", "DefectOrComplaintDescription": "DEFECT DESCRIPTION", "ServicePerformedDescription": "SERVICE PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION", "EiaRepairCode1": "RC1", "EiaRepairCode2": "RC2", "EiaRepairCode3": "RC3", "EiaRepairCode4": "RC4", "LaborSchematicLocation1": "SL1", "LaborSchematicLocation2": "SL2", "LaborSchematicLocation3": "SL3", "LaborSchematicLocation4": "SL4", "LaborSchematicLocation5": "SL5", "LaborSchematicLocation6": "SL6", "ReworkNumberOrPolicy": "RWNUMB", "WarrantyType": 1, "SoftwareVersion": "V1", "RepairCategory": "RC", "StockRepairFlag": "F", "Type": "CT", "ExistingClaimBatchNumber": 0, "ExistingClaimSequenceNumber": 0, "ProductSalesReceipt": "Y", "GlAccountNumber": "GLACCTNB", "ValidationFlag": "Y", "DebitNumber": "DEBIT", "KeypunchOperator": "KEYP", "DateReceived": 20181002, "DateRequested": 20181003, "DateStarted": 20181004, "TimeStarted": 1100, "DateCompleted": 20181005, "TimeCompleted": 1611, "TotalRepairMinutes": 23, "ServiceHours": 2, "TravelHours": 3, "TravelTime": 30, "TripCount": 2, "CallNumber": "CALLNBR", "DealerNumber": "DLRNBR", "DealerName": "SOME DEALER", "DealerAddress": "ANOTHER STREET", "DealerCity": "FOUNTAIN VALLEY", "DealerState": "CA", "DealerZipCode": "92728", "LaborAmount": 50.75, "PartsAmount": 125.25, "OtherAmount": 45.33, "TaxFederalAmount": 15.23, "TaxStateAmount": 7.27, "ShippingChargeAmount": 11.17, "CodOrFreightAmount": 12.93, "TravelChargeAmount": 13.24, "MileageAmount": 14.18, "TravelMiles": 15, "StickerType": "S", "StickerNumber": "STICKNUMB", "ServiceContractNumber": "SVCCONTRACTNBR", "DistributorTransmittalNumber": "DISTTRANS", "Refurbished": "Y", "Reference": "REFERENCER", "PurchasedOverseasFlag": "N", "AuthorizationNumber": "AUTHORIZATIONNUMBER", "PartMarkupPercentage": 15, "MicrowaveBefore": "MICBEF", "MicrowaveAfter": "MICAFT", "SpecialCode": "SPECCODE", "DefectivePartNumber": "DEFPARTNUMBR", "DefectivePartSerialNumber": "DEFSERIALNBR", "SpecialCustomerNote": "SPECIAL CUSTOMER NOTE", "ServiceSignedBy": "SERVICE SIGNED BY", "AlternateStoreNumber": "ALTS", "ProductSKU": "PRODUCTSKU", "WarrantySKU": "WARRANTYSKU", "ServiceBusinessUnit": "SBU", "PspSourceType": "PSPSOURCET", "FoodSpoilageCode": "FOODSC", "TpaContractNumber": "TPACONTRACTXXXXTPACONTRAC", "TpaClaimNumber": "TPACLAIMNBR", "TpaContractError": "CE", "TpaProductPurchaseDate": 20181010, "TpaLaborWarrantyDays": 365, "TpaPartsWarrantyDays": 365, "TpaSubProgram": "P", "TpaRuleSet": "RS", "TpaEquipmentRetailPrice": 15.75, "TpaProductCode": "TPAPRODTCD", "TpaResubmittedFlag": "Y", "TpaResubmittedClaimNumber": "RSBCLAIMNBR", "TpaClaimType": "TCT", "TpaContractStartDate": 20181011, "TpaContractEndDate": 20181012, "TpaProductDescription": "TPA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION", "TpaContractSKUDescription": "TPA CONTRACT SKU DESCRIPTION", "TpaProgramType": "TPAPROGRAMTYP", "TpaRemarkId": "TPAREMARKID" } ] }
SubmitClaim Object Properties
Property | Type | Required? | Description | ServiceDispatch Field Mapping | ||||
Claims | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Claims | ||||
RequiredParts | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | RequiredParts | ||||
ProdNum | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProdNum | ||||
Qty | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Qty | ||||
ProdAttrs | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProdAttrs | ||||
Desc | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Desc | ||||
SchematicLocation | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SchematicLocation | ||||
InvoiceNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | InvoiceNumber | ||||
| float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | UnitCost | ||||
Returned | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Returned | ||||
DistributorNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorNumber | ||||
FaultCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FaultCode | ||||
JobCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | JobCode | ||||
Asset | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Asset | ||||
MfgId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MfgId | ||||
Mfg | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Mfg | ||||
Model | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Model | ||||
SerialNum | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SerialNum | ||||
PurchaseDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PurchaseDate | ||||
Booking | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Booking | ||||
ServiceOrgInfo | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceOrgInfo | ||||
ServiceOrg | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceOrg | ||||
LocationId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LocationId | ||||
Name | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Name | ||||
Location | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Location | ||||
Type | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | ||||
Address | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Address | ||||
AddrLine1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AddrLine1 | ||||
AddrLine2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AddrLine2 | ||||
City | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | City | ||||
Region | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Region | ||||
Country | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Country | ||||
PostalCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PostalCode | ||||
Contacts | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Contacts | ||||
FirstName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FirstName | ||||
LastName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LastName | ||||
ContactPoint | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ContactPoint | ||||
Mode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Mode | ||||
Value | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Value | ||||
ClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimNumber | ||||
DistributorNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorNumber | ||||
DemographicCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DemographicCode | ||||
EiaDefectOrComplaintCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaDefectOrComplaintCode | ||||
DefectOrComplaintDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectOrComplaintDescription | ||||
ServicePerformedDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServicePerformedDescription | ||||
EiaRepairCode1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode1 | ||||
EiaRepairCode2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode2 | ||||
EiaRepairCode3 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode3 | ||||
EiaRepairCode4 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode4 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation1 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation2 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation3 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation3 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation4 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation4 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation5 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation5 | ||||
LaborSchematicLocation6 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation6 | ||||
ReworkNumberOrPolicy | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ReworkNumberOrPolicy | ||||
WarrantyType | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | WarrantyType | ||||
SoftwareVersion | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SoftwareVersion | ||||
RepairCategory | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | RepairCategory | ||||
StockRepairFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StockRepairFlag | ||||
Type | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | ||||
ExistingClaimBatchNumber | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ExistingClaimBatchNumber | ||||
ExistingClaimSequenceNumber | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ExistingClaimSequenceNumber | ||||
ProductSalesReceipt | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProductSalesReceipt | ||||
GlAccountNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | GlAccountNumber | ||||
ValidationFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ValidationFlag | ||||
DebitNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DebitNumber | ||||
KeypunchOperator | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | KeypunchOperator | ||||
DateReceived | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateReceived | ||||
DateRequested | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateRequested | ||||
DateStarted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateStarted | ||||
TimeStarted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TimeStarted | ||||
DateCompleted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateCompleted | ||||
TimeCompleted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TimeCompleted | ||||
TotalRepairMinutes | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalRepairMinutes | ||||
ServiceHours | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceHours | ||||
TravelHours | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelHours | ||||
TravelTime | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelTime | ||||
TripCount | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TripCount | ||||
CallNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | CallNumber | ||||
DealerNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerNumber | ||||
DealerName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerName | ||||
DealerAddress | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerAddress | ||||
DealerCity | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerCity | ||||
DealerState | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerState | ||||
DealerZipCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerZipCode | ||||
LaborAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborAmount | ||||
PartsAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PartsAmount | ||||
OtherAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | OtherAmount | ||||
TaxFederalAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TaxFederalAmount | ||||
TaxStateAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TaxStateAmount | ||||
ShippingChargeAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ShippingChargeAmount | ||||
CodOrFreightAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | CodOrFreightAmount | ||||
TravelChargeAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelChargeAmount | ||||
MileageAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MileageAmount | ||||
TravelMiles | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelMiles | ||||
StickerType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StickerType | ||||
StickerNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StickerNumber | ||||
ServiceContractNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceContractNumber | ||||
DistributorTransmittalNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorTransmittalNumber | ||||
Refurbished | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Refurbished | ||||
Reference | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Reference | ||||
PurchasedOverseasFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PurchasedOverseasFlag | ||||
AuthorizationNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AuthorizationNumber | ||||
PartMarkupPercentage | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PartMarkupPercentage | ||||
MicrowaveBefore | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MicrowaveBefore | ||||
MicrowaveAfter | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MicrowaveAfter | ||||
SpecialCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SpecialCode | ||||
DefectivePartNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectivePartNumber | ||||
DefectivePartSerialNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectivePartSerialNumber | ||||
SpecialCustomerNote | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SpecialCustomerNote | ||||
ServiceSignedBy | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceSignedBy | ||||
AlternateStoreNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AlternateStoreNumber | ||||
ProductSKU | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProductSKU | ||||
WarrantySKU | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | WarrantySKU | ||||
ServiceBusinessUnit | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceBusinessUnit | ||||
PspSourceType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PspSourceType | ||||
FoodSpoilageCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FoodSpoilageCode | ||||
TpaContractNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractNumber | ||||
TpaClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaClaimNumber | ||||
TpaContractError | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractError | ||||
TpaProductPurchaseDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductPurchaseDate | ||||
TpaLaborWarrantyDays | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaLaborWarrantyDays | ||||
TpaPartsWarrantyDays | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaPartsWarrantyDays | ||||
TpaSubProgram | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaSubProgram | ||||
TpaRuleSet | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaRuleSet | ||||
TpaEquipmentRetailPrice | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaEquipmentRetailPrice | ||||
TpaProductCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductCode | ||||
TpaResubmittedFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaResubmittedFlag | ||||
TpaResubmittedClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaResubmittedClaimNumber | ||||
TpaClaimType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaClaimType | ||||
TpaContractStartDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractStartDate | ||||
TpaContractEndDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractEndDate | ||||
TpaProductDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductDescription | ||||
TpaContractSKUDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractSKUDescription | ||||
TpaProgramType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProgramType | ||||
TpaRemarkId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaRemarkId |
HTTP Response
On success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API response will be returned.
SubmitClaim Response Object Format
{ "Success": true, "Code": 0, "Message": "OK", "Payload": { "TotalClaimsReceived": 1, "TransactionId": "2021040713411526232528DMWSTEST02", "ResponseCode": "OK", "TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfully": 1, "Claims": [ { "ClaimTransactionId": "100_32362", "ClaimResponseCode": "OK", "ServiceCenterNumber": "11154", "ClaimStatusDescription": "Incomplete", "ManufacturerName": "DEMO", "ServiceCenterLocationCode": "LOCNAME", "Type": "CT", "ClaimBatchNumber": 300001, "ClaimSequenceNumber": 109, "ClaimStatusCode": "I", "ClaimNumber": "XYZ1SD422F_01", "Errors": [ { "ErrorDescription": "Invalid Dispatch#", "PartNumber": "" } ] } ], "TotalClaimsNotProcessedSuccessfully": 0 } }
SubmitClaim Response Object Properties
Property | Type | Description | ServiceDispatch Field Mapping | |||
Success | boolean | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Success | |||
Code | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Code | |||
Message | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Message | |||
Payload | object | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Payload | |||
TotalClaimsReceived | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalClaimsReceived | |||
TransactionId | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TransactionId | |||
ResponseCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ResponseCode | |||
TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfully | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfully | |||
Claims | array | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Claims | |||
ClaimTransactionId | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimTransactionId | |||
ClaimResponseCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimResponseCode | |||
ServiceCenterNumber | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceCenterNumber | |||
ClaimStatusDescription | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimStatusDescription | |||
ManufacturerName | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ManufacturerName | |||
ServiceCenterLocationCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceCenterLocationCode | |||
Type | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | |||
ClaimBatchNumber | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimBatchNumber | |||
ClaimSequenceNumber | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimSequenceNumber | |||
ClaimStatusCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimStatusCode | |||
ClaimNumber | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimNumber | |||
Errors | array | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Errors | |||
ErrorDescription | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ErrorDescription | |||
PartNumber | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PartNumber | |||
TotalClaimsNotProcessedSuccessfully | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalClaimsNotProcessedSuccessfully |
On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API response will be returned.
{ "Success": false, "Code": 9, "Payload": { "returnCode": { "type": "Error", "message": "Dispatch Error Code" } } }