Pass Through Call to ServiceDispatchto Dispatch's "Update Product Info" APIThis RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the ServiceDispatch the Dispatch sub-system's "Update Product Info" API (when configured). URL Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
| PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/updateCallScheduleInfo
HTTP Request BodyThis request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceDispatch the Dispatch "Update Product Info" API. Code Block |
| {
"MfgSvcrAcct": "FSSTEST",
"Id": "CT.2019-4-30.100192",
"Assets": [
"Mfg": "GE",
"ProdLine": "REF",
"Model": "1125369",
"SerialNum": "22563666",
"InServiceDate": "2019-01-01",
"RetailerId": "test",
"RetailerName": "test"
} |
UpdateProductInfo Object PropertiesProperty
| Type | Required? | Description | ServiceDispatch Dispatch Field Mapping |
MfgSvcrAcct | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. This servicer Id given by the requestor. | MfgSvcrAcct | Id | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The call number that was used when the call was originally created. | CallNo | Assets | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Update Product Info" API. | See below.- |
| Mfg | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. This is the unique identifier in the client CRM which identifies the Brand of the Product requiring service. | BrandCode |
| ProdLine | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. This is the unique identifier in the client CRM which identifies the Product requiring service. | ProductCode
| Model | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The Model ID of the product. This is used in Claims Processing. | ModeNo
| SerialNum | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The Serial ID of the Product. This is used in Claims Processing. | SerialNo
| InServiceDate | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The date the product was originally put in service. This is used in Claims Processing. | InstallDate |
| RetailerId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The Unique Identifier for the retailer displayed to servicer. | RetailerId |
| RetailerName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Update Product Info" API. The name of retailer, displayed to servicer. | RetailerName |
HTTP ResponseSuccessOn success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Update Product Info" API response will be returned. Code Block |
| {
"MFGID": "9999",
"Id": "CT.2019-4-30.100192",
} |
Error On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Update Product Info" API response will be returned. Code Block |
| {
"Success": false,
"Code": 9,
"Payload": {
"returnCode": {
"type": "Error",
"message": "Dispatch Error Code"
} | note
Return CodesIn addition to to the Standard Return Codes, Service Dispatch has unique error codes that can be found hereand the Dispatch Error codes, individual API calls made have unique codes found on their individual pages. |