REST Work Item Appointment Book
Resource URL Summary
Book an Appointment Offering
POST /up/v5/apptBook
HTTP Headers
This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.
API Specifics
Book an Appointment Offering
This REST API accepts an Appointment Book Request object, which has been created using the details of an appointment offering obtained by using the REST Work Item Appointment Search. On success, the REST API will create a Work Item object based on the details supplied.
POST /up/v5/apptBook
HTTP Request Body
This request requires an Appointment Book Request object supplied in the HTTP request body.
HTTP Response
On both success and error, the REST API returns the default response.
If the REST API was successful, the a Work Item object will have been created. (Note that the Id of the Work Item is a required part of the Appointment Book Request object, so the created Work Item object can be managed via the REST Work Item APIs using this Id value.)
If the REST API was not successful, then the details will be in the default response.
Otherwise, on error, the API will:
- Return an HTTP response code of 400, if the request was invalid;
- Return an HTTP response code of 401, if the request was not authorized; or
- Return an HTTP response code of 500, if something else went wrong.
Both HTTP 400 and 500 responses will contain a REST Integration Standard Response Object with appropriate values for the Code
and/or Message
fields, describing the error, in the response body.