

This table contains overrides to an employee's normal operative day and shift attributes. Each record in this table corresponds to an override to the data for one operative day. 
A record in this table may contain operative day attributes and shift attributes. If any of these values is NULL, then the default value for that attribute is retained. 
Some operative days do not have a shift defined by default (via the shift assignment, sp113). If any shift attributes are defined for such days, then all mandatory shift attributes must be specified. In that case, a record in this table defines an Extra Shift. 
Local knowledge overrides are specified in tables sp126_LK_range_overrides and sp127_region_LK_overrides. 
This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Global group

Table Definition

employee_nonumber(9) (error)
override_datedate (error)
start_locationnumber(1) (tick)
end_locationnumber(1) (tick)
start_region_nonumber(9) (tick)
end_region_nonumber(9) (tick)
start_postcodevarchar2(30) (tick)
end_postcodevarchar2(30) (tick)
lk_locationnumber(1) (tick)
lk_region_nonumber(9) (tick)
lk_postcodevarchar2(30) (tick)
start_timenumber(4) (tick)
end_timenumber(4) (tick)
lunch_startnumber(4) (deprecated)
lunch_endnumber(4)  (deprecated)
lunch_durationnumber(4)  (deprecated)
capacity_shiftvarchar2(1) (tick)
ADJ_shiftvarchar2(1) (tick)
use_LK_range_defaultsnumber(1) (error)
use_region_LK_defaultsnumber(1) (error)
vehicle_capacitynumber(9) (tick)


primary key (employee_no, override_date) 

foreign key (employee_no) references sp210_employees (employee_no) 

foreign key (start_location) references sp271_start_end_locations(location) 

foreign key (end_location) references sp271_start_end_locations(location) 

foreign key (start_region_no) references sp057_regions (region_no) 

foreign key (end_region_no) references sp057_regions (region_no) 

foreign key (lk_location) references sp271_start_end_locations(location) 

foreign key (lk_region_no) references sp057_regions(region_no)

Column Descriptions

employee_noEmployee identifier 
override_date Together with employee_no, identifies a particular operative day whose attributes are overridden by this record. Uses Employee Time Zone




Location from which employee starts work.See sp210_employees (default_start_loc, default_start_loc_postcode, default_start_loc_region_no). 




Location from which employee finishes work.See sp210_employees (default_end_loc, default_end_loc_postcode, default_end_loc_region_no). 
end_region_noLocation from which employee finishes work.See sp210_employees (default_end_loc, default_end_loc_postcode, default_end_loc_region_no). 




Location about which employee's range local knowledge is centred.See sp210_employees (default_LK_centre_loc, default_LK_centre_postcode, default_LK_centre_region_no). 
start_timeShift start time override value. See sp115_shifts (start_time) 
end_timeShift end time override value. See sp115_shifts (end_time) 
capacity_shiftIndicates whether this shift provides capacity. See sp115_shifts (capacity_shift) 
ADJ_shiftIndicates whether All Day jobs can be allocated automatically to this shift. See sp115_shifts (ADJ_shift). 
use_LK_range_defaultsIndicates whether the operative's local knowledge ranges are overridden on this date. (If not, default ranges in sp066_knowledge_ranges or, if present, work pattern ranges in sp123_work_pattern_days/sp124_LK_range_patterns are used.)0 indicates that local knowledge ranges are overridden on this date. The set of local knowledge ranges to use on this date are in sp126_LK_range_overrides. If no LK range overrides are specified in sp126_LK_range_overrides then this implies that the operative has no LK ranges defined for this day.1 indicates that local knowledge ranges are not overridden on this date.
use_region_LK_defaultsIndicates whether the operative's local knowledge regions are overridden on this date. (If not, default regions in sp065_local_knowledge or, if present, work pattern regions in sp123_work_pattern_days/sp125_region_lk_patterns are used.)0 indicates that region local knowledge is overridden on this date. The set of local knowledge regions to use on this date are in sp127_region_LK_overrides. If no region LK overrides are specified in sp127_region_LK_overrides then this implies that the operative has no region LK defined for this day.1 indicates that region local knowledge is not overridden on this date
vehicle_capacityThis is the vehicle capacity for the specified override date. A null value indicates that the underlying sp210_employees.vehicle_capacity value should be used. A value of 0 indicates that the day is explicitly overridden to have no vehicle capacity.