Admin ServicePlanner ServiceManager ServicePlanner and MapXtreme
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ServicePlanner is a module of ServiceManager. It exists to enhance the feature-set that ServiceManager provides. The installed components related to ServicePlanner are shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Deployed ServicePlanner components
ServicePlanner refers to map-related functionality that is provided by ServiceManager. Much of what ServicePlanner needs to run is provided by the core ServiceManager product. ServicePlanner generates map images using the 3rd party product MapXtreme for Java. In version 7.0 MapXtreme was deployed in its own WAR file. From 7.1 onwards MapXtreme's functionality is deployed inside ServicePlanner.
MapXtreme can only produce maps covering areas of the world for which it has geographic data. The geographic data resides on a file system that is visible to ServicePlanner. It is possible for multiple geographic datasets to be licensed if required.
Installers and Licensing
ServicePlanner is a module of ServiceManager. As such ServiceManager must always be installed. However a distinction should be made between ServicePlanner functionality and its installer. The ServiceManager installation contains most of ServicePlanner's functionality, but this functionality is not activated without the corresponding ServicePlanner installation. As such it is best to view the ServicePlanner installation as licensing and activating the ServicePlanner functionality that is already within ServiceManager. Most updates and bug-fixes to ServicePlanner functionality will require a new ServiceManager release and not a new ServicePlanner release.
ServicePlanner installation comes with MapXtreme content that is licensed from MapInfo. Geographic data is also required that covers each area, usually a country, to be mapped. Each geographic dataset is separately licensed and comes with its own installer. Geographic datasets are updated regularly, in particular to include new postcodes and regions. It is important that this dataset is updated in a timely manner. Failure to do so can cause ServicePlanner to present inaccurate information and operative local knowledge to be inaccurately updated when changed. ServicePlanner will not work without at least one geographic dataset.