Return Codes
On This Page:
Every ServiceOptimizer SOAP API will return a return code, indicating success, a warning, or the reason for failure.
Return Codes 0 - 99 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Success. | |
| Error | The supplied
| Error | The supplied
| Error | The supplied
| Error | The supplied
| Error | The supplied
| Reserved. | |
| Error | An appointment for the criteria supplied is not available. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The total job duration (including ‘overhead’ time) is longer than can be booked (SJTDMax) or (JobChangeFinishTimeRequest) the job’s Finish time would be the same as or before its Arrival time OR In a call to EmpAddActRequest the expectedDuration given is < 0. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied
| Error | A character other than “ The field is too long. |
| Error | The |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied The |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The booking server (ABS) has detected a database error and logged it. |
| Error | There is no time during the Appointment Search Window ( |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied In a call to |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | (One of) the supplied
| Error | The supplied
In a call to A mandatory responsibility unit has been supplied but there is no one in it with the required skills to do the job during the Appointment Search Window ( In a call to |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied
In a call to
| Error | In a call to In a call to For one of the For Add/UpdateSpecialPeriodRequest the end time of the Special Period would be before the start time. |
| Error | The supplied skill level is not between 1 and 9; or No skill level has been supplied in a call to |
| Error | An appointment cannot be forced, with options InTrayWithSkills or InTrayAfterAll, because no one is available with the right skills during the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). |
| Error | Reserved. |
| Error | An invalid input parameter has been passed to an interface. |
| Error | A SOAP call can’t be executed because the connection between the client library and the ServiceOptimizer server has been lost. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A database error occurred whilst trying to commit to the database. |
| Error | A database error occurred whilst trying to perform a database action. |
| Error | A SOAP call is unable to allocate space from heap memory. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied DisStatus is invalid OR an attempt has been made to set a status on a standard activity that is invalid e.g Travelling status on a standard activity that has TravelMode NoTravel, or any dispatch status on a standard activity that cannot be dispatched. |
| Error | The mandatory |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The mandatory |
| Error | The supplied JobType is not valid during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest) or on the date specified (DVForceFixJobRequest). |
| Error | The supplied PromType (NumReqType) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database, or isn’t the type of at least one of the timebands in the supplied promise set. |
| Error | The supplied JobType has the ‘cannot be forced’ flag set in the ServiceOptimizer database (only for ForceOptions InTray, InTrayWithSkills and InTrayAfterAll). |
| Reserved. | |
| Error |
| Error | The supplied ExtraDuration + ExtraOverhead is > 99999999, or > the database parameter SJEDMax, or the total duration for the job is > SJTDMax. |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | Maximum number of separators exceeded (SP_AddSep()). |
| Error | The supplied ReqType is outside its allowed range (employees and responsibility units), or is STRT_None and UnitType is not SPUT_None and Unit has been supplied, or is not SPRT_None and UnitType is SPUT_None and Unit is empty. Or the supplied ReqEmpType is SPRT_None and the corresponding EmpID is not empty, or ReqEmpType isn’t SPRT_None and EmpID is empty. Or the supplied ReqEmpType is SPRT_MandOrdered or SPRT_PrefOrdered and 2 EmpIDs haven’t been supplied. |
| Error | None of the supplied mandatory EmpIDs has the skills for the Job Type during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied UnitType is outside its allowed range or is not implemented, or is SPUT_None and the corresponding ReqType is not SPRT_None and a Unit has been supplied, or is not SPUT_None and ReqType is SPRT_None and Unit is empty. Or (DispInitRequest) an IRU has been supplied for non-batch dispatch. |
| Error | The supplied |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The OfferToken supplied doesn’t reference an available appointment – usually because another user has booked it. It can also be returned when ApptBookRequestis called without supplying an OfferToken and another user books the job between the self-generated offer (self-generated because there was no OfferToken) and the corresponding book. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to Change Work Item Status SOAP API, the supplied NewStatus field has a value lower than the current value of the job’s dispatch status. |
| Error | In a call to Change Work Item Status SOAP API, the supplied NewStatus field has a value which is the same as the current value of the job’s dispatch status; or In a call to |
| Error | The value of the supplied |
| Error | The number of MPX emps supplied exceeds 10. |
| Error | The same |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
Return Codes 100 - 199 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied SpareID is either longer than SpareID Size or is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. (If spareIgnVanStock is set, ServiceOptimizer doesn’t check that the SpareID is in the database) |
| Error | A supplied spare Quantity is either:
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferRequest, ApptBookRequest, or JobBookRequest, the region containing the supplied PostCode is not mapped to a Responsibility Unit |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferMultRequest, a relative StartDate has been supplied which is not in the format “+n”, “>=n”, “+n(TBT)”, or “>=n(TBT)” where n is an integer and TBT is a time band type in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Warning | Success – In a call to ApptOfferMultRequest, the search has been stopped after 999 (see section 4.3) offers have been generated. The offers generated so far are nonetheless returned. |
| Error | In a call to a function which takes an ExtraSkills parameter, at least one skill has been supplied more than once |
| Warning | Success – In a call to a function which takes an ExtraSkills parameter, the number of extra skills supplied plus the number of skills already required by the job type is greater than can be returned in a call of GetJobsRequest (10) |
| Error | The supplied Act.ActTypeNum is either ActTypePreRingFenced or SP_ActTypePreShiftOverride or SP_ActTypePreCrewMember, or is not defined in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied StartPostCode is too long or is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The EndPostCode field is either not supplied or is too long or is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied ActNotes field is too long or, in a call to EmpAddActRequest or SP_ActSet(), has the value SP_StrNoUpdate |
| Error | The EmpID supplied is in the ServiceOptimizer database, but is not in a team during the period of the new Standard Activity. |
| Error | The EmpID supplied is in a team during the period of the new activity, but the team is not in a responsibility unit. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied Act.ActNo is not in the ServiceOptimizer database, or it refers to something other than a standard activity (i.e. a job). Or: the activity is outside the memory horizon. |
| Error | In a call to either EmpAddActRequest or ActUpdateRequest the supplied Options field contains CheckJobs and creating/changing the standard activity would give rise to one or more overlaps between it and existing resourced jobs. Or : (DVForceFixJobRequest) moving the job to this position would cause an overlap with one or more other existing resourced jobs. OR: in a call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest an job part is attempting to be placed overlapping another work item without the forceJob option being set. |
| Error | The supplied employee Name is longer than EmpName Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Surname is longer than EmpSurnameSize, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee JobTitle is longer than EmpJobTitle Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Address1 is longer than EmpAdd, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Address2 is longer than EmpAdd, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Address3 is longer than EmpAdd, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Address4 is longer than EmpAdd, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Phone1 is longer than PhoneNo Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee Phone2 is longer than PhoneNo Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
| Error | The supplied employee PagerNo is longer than PagerNo Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (EmpCreateRequest) |
(143) | Reserved. | |
| Error | The timezone for a responsibility unit, region, employee etc has an illegal value |
| Error | The supplied activity type description (ActType) is either empty, too long or does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The number of spares IDs supplied is more than 5 |
| Error | Change Work Item Status SOAP API has been called for an unresourced job OR JobUpdateRequest has been called for an unresourced job and the update is for an attribute other than Customer, Priority or Importance. |
| Error | The version of the interface call in a supplied Version field is not supported, or is not a valid value (eg. is SP_IntNoValue or SP_IntNoUpdate). |
| Error | The supplied ForceOptions field has an invalid bit set; or For a call to the Request Multi-Job Appointments SOAP API, any of the |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to EmpAddActRequest, Act.ActEndLocType can’t be Start or End on a day when the operative isn’t on shift OR, in a call to ActUpdateRequest an attempt has been made to change an activity from one without a location to one with a location. |
| Error | The employee does not have the type of region specified in a supplied ActLocType (e.g: Work is supplied, but the employee doesn’t have a work region) |
| Error | In a call to one of the JobChange???TimeRequest functions or Change Work Item Status SOAP API the new travel time would be longer than the (current) built in limit of 999999 seconds. |
| Error | Neither of the supplied EmpIDs has non-zero local knowledge of the region where the job is located during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). |
| Error | There is no employee available with the necessary skills during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). |
| Error | In a call to GetActsRequest, no standard activity has been found for the search criteria provided. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error |
| Error |
| Error | A second or subsequent call to DispInitRequest has been made, either for the same FRU in real time or for an FRU, Team or employee already being dispatched in batch mode. (The Team might be in an FRU already being dispatched, or the employee might be in a Team that may or may not be in an FRU already being dispatched.) |
| Reserved. | |
| Warning | Success. All of the jobs in this batch run have now been dispatched. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied port number is not in the range 1 to 65535 inclusive if a hostname has been supplied, or is > 65535 if the supplied hostname is NULL or empty (local host) |
| Error | For a local host connection, the file containing the port number ($SPHOME/<InstanceName>/log/APIport.<username>) can’t be opened for reading |
| Error | The (client) initialisation of the network stack failed (usually because it’s installed incorrectly) |
| Error | The supplied Hostname can’t be resolved to an IP address (often a DNS problem) |
| Error | An invalid IP address has been supplied (e.g. or |
| Error | The network addressed could not be reached (usually a network or router problem)) |
| Error | The attempt to run the SOAP call has timed out |
| Error | The attempted connection has reached the host but not the requested port (usually because the server software isn’t listening (running), or there are too many connections) |
| Error | An interface function has been called when there is no TCP/IP connection between the client thread and the ServiceOptimizer server – possibly because loginRequest hasn’t been called from within the thread. (From V5, each client thread must open its own connection.) |
| Error | The supplied database username and/or password are wrong for the supplied hostname and port |
| Error | The ServiceOptimizer username (usually the same as the username on the host where the client program is running) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The client and server can’t interoperate |
| Error | None of supplied mandatory EmpIDs has a posting to the supplied mandatory Unit at any time during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). Or (GetJobsRequest) the supplied EmpID doesn’t have a posting on the supplied DispatchDate. Or (DispInitRequest) has been asked to batch dispatch an Employee who is no longer in the system. |
| Error | The supplied Postcode is not mapped to the supplied mandatory Unit. Or (when a mandatory Unit is not supplied): none of the supplied mandatory EmpIDs is posted to an FRU mapped to the supplied Postcode during any part of the Appointment Search Window (ApptOfferRequest) or the SLA Search Window (JobBookRequest). |
| Error | Reserved. |
| Error | The supplied EmpType is not one of its declared values, or is SP_IntNoUpdate (create), or is SP_IntNoValue |
| Error | The supplied Efficiency is not between 10 and 999. |
| Error | The supplied MaxOvertime is not between 0 and 999 |
| Error | The supplied InformLeadTime is not between the limits defined in the ServiceOptimizer database (sp083.min_value/max_value where name = “TIL”), or, if these are undefined, is not between 0 and 9999 |
| Error | The supplied EarmarkedJobsMax is not between 1 and 99 |
| Error | The supplied HomePostcode is longer than Postcode Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied WorkPostcode is longer than Postcode Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied EmpTZType is not one of its declared values, or is SP_IntNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied TZID is longer than TZID Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied Available is not one of the declared values for SP_Bool, or is SP_IntNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied HandHeldAdd1 is longer than HandHeld Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied HandHeldAdd2 is longer than HandHeld Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied CurrentHandHeld is not between 0 and 2 or is not specified on create |
| Error | The supplied Printer is longer than Printer Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied SkillDesc is longer than SkillDesc Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
Return Codes 200 - 299 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Error | The supplied TeamID is longer than TeamID Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied StartDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The supplied EndDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The supplied SP_PostingType is not one of its declared values |
| Error | The supplied StartDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The supplied EndDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The ShiftPeriodType in the supplied SP_EmpSkill is not one of its declared values or is SP_IntNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied IsDerived is not one of the declared values for SP_Bool, or is SP_IntNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied ShiftPatternID is longer than ShiftPatternID Size, or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | The supplied StartDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The supplied EndDate is longer than spDate Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) or is not a date on the calendar |
| Error | The supplied Options field has an undefined bit set |
| Error | The supplied Options field has an undefined bit set |
| Error | The mandatory SkillID is empty |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied mandatory EmpID is empty |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The mandatory HomePostcode is empty |
| Error | The supplied TZID is empty (if the supplied EmpTZType is SPETZT_Supplied) |
| Error | The mandatory TeamID is empty (create) |
| Error | The mandatory StartDate is empty or is not a date on the calendar |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The mandatory StartDate is empty |
| Error | The mandatory ShiftPatternID is empty |
| Error | The mandatory StartDate is empty |
| Error | There is already a skill with the supplied SkillID in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied EmpID is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied HomePostcode is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied WorkPostcode is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied TZID is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | A posting with the supplied primary key (EmpID and StartDateTime) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | A shift assignment with the supplied primary key (EmpID and StartDateTime) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | A skill assignment with the supplied primary key (EmpID, SkillID and StartDateTime) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | The supplied EndDateTime is not after the supplied StartDateTime |
| Error | The supplied EndDateTime is not after the supplied StartDateTime |
| Error | The supplied EndDateTime is not after the supplied StartDateTime |
| Error | Two or more of the supplied SP_EmpPostings overlap in time |
| Error | Two or more of the supplied shift assignments overlap in time |
| Error | Two or more of the supplied SP_EmpSkills with the same SkillID overlap in time (irrespective of skill level) |
| Error | The supplied HomePostcode is in the ServiceOptimizer database, but is not mapped to a region |
| Error | The supplied WorkPostcode is in the ServiceOptimizer database, but is not mapped to a region |
| Error | A change to a posting has been requested that would cause at least one existing standard activity to be no longer wholly contained within one posting |
| Error | A change to a posting has been requested that would cause at least one existing job to be no longer wholly contained within a single posting to the operative’s current FRU so that it would be de-allocated. |
| Error | A change to a shift assignment has been requested that would cause at least one existing job to be no longer wholly contained within a single shift assignment so that it would be de-allocated. |
| Error | A team with the supplied TeamID does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | A skill with the supplied SkillID does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Error | A shift pattern with the supplied ShiftPatternID is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied SkillID is longer than Skill Size or is SP_StrNoUpdate (create) |
| Error | One of the spare IDs in a list of substitutes has been supplied more than once. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The ServiceOptimizer service that a call to loginRequest is trying to connect to has started but isn’t yet available for calls. (Effectively, it’s still initialising.) |
| Error | The FRU that this call needs is not available. (This may be because it is being restarted. It may also be returned if all of the FRUs needed aren’t available.) |
| Error | Communication between two ServiceOptimizer processes has timed out. It’s not possible to determine if the call executed completely or in part, though clearly read-only calls can simply be re-tried. One or more processes may be restarted, so subsequent calls may return SP_FRU_UNAVAILABLE (259) until full availability is restored. |
| Error | In a call to GetJobsRequest, the RespUnit field is empty as well as the EmpID field. Or, in a call to OptimizerStartRequest or OptimizerStopRequest, the mandatory FRU wasn’t supplied. |
| Error | A call to DispRequest has been made before a call to DispInitRequest. |
| Error | A call to DispResultRequest has been made immediately after DispInitRequest, or another call to DispResultRequest has been made immediately after a call to DispResultRequest. |
| Error | In a call to DVForceFixJobRequest, Change Work Item Status SOAP API or one of the JobChangeTimeRequest functions, the job would move to a date and time when the employee it’s allocated to is either posted to another FRU or has no posting at all. (This won’t be returned if the Change Work Item Status SOAP API call is to set the job’s status to SPDS_Cleared). |
| Error | A call to loginRequest has been made when a connection has already been established. (This may have occurred because an existing connection hasn’t been closed by a call to spQuit). |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would place the job outside of its contract hours. |
| Error | The specified Employee does not have the appropriate spares for the job. |
| Error | The employee is on shift for this day, but the employee’s maximum allowed overtime will be exceeded by placing the job here. |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would result in the allowed capacity for the day being exceeded. |
| Error | In a call to DVForceFixJobRequest the identified employee is not one of the Mandatory/Preferred employees for the job, or IS one of the excluded employees. |
| Error | In a call to DVForceFixJobRequest the employee specified has no shift assignment for the given date. |
| Error | In a call to DVForceFixJobRequest the job cannot be moved due to the fact that it requires spares and it is no longer at Tentative status. |
| Error | The specified employee is marked as unschedulable. |
| Error | The employee is not on shift in the given period |
| Error | The supplied job cannot be moved as its status is LoggedOff or greater. |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would place the job outside of its Earliest time and Latest time. |
| Error | The supplied RegionID is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The supplied FRUID doesn’t exist in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | No regions were found for the FRU. |
| Error | No local knowledge has been found for the employee. |
| Error | The supplied Max value is outside its allowed range. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A concurrent update of the database has been detected so the call has been re-started, but the number of times that it should be re-started has been exceeded. |
| Error | EmpAddActRequest (or ActUpdateRequest or SP_ActSet()) has been called with no Act.ExpectedEnd (i.e. to create an indefinite standard activity) but the employee’s posting has an end date so the requested activity can’t be contained in a posting to the same FRU. |
| Error | In a call to EmpAddActRequest, or ActUpdateRequest or SP_ActSet(), or AddSpecialPeriodRequest, the supplied start and end times aren’t within the same posting to the same FRU (not necessarily to the same Team). |
| Error | The supplied value of Importance isn’t within the allowed range of 0 to ABS_importance_max or has been supplied in a call to ApptOfferMultRequest. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A web services client has attempted to connect to a server that isn’t an API Agent (possibly a Gantt Server?). |
| Error | The supplied value of RunTime is either less than zero or is greater than the value of opt_api_rt_max (minutes) for the supplied FRU. |
| Error | An Optimizer can’t be started because there’s already one running for the supplied FRU on the supplied Date. |
| Error | The Optimizer requested can’t be started because it has been put on hold. |
| Error | The Optimizer requested isn’t in the Waiting, Running, De-allocating or Re-allocating states. |
| Error | The supplied Date is earlier than today. |
| Reserved. | |
Return Codes 300 - 399 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied DefaultStartLoc (EmpAttr) or StartLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is outside the range of values defined by EmpLocType. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultStartLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or StartLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is longer than Postcode Size. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultEndLoc (EmpAttr) or EndLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is outside the range of values defined by EmpLocType. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultEndLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or EndLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is longer than Postcode Size. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied DefaultStartLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or StartLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultEndLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or EndLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied DefaultStartLoc (EmpAttr) is set to Supplied, but the employee does not have a DefaultStartLocPostcode already in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied in this call. Or: A supplied StartLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is set to Supplied, but the employee doesn’t have a StartLocPostcode for the same WorkPattDay already in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied with this call. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultEndLoc (EmpAttr) is set to Supplied, but the employee does not have a DefaultEndLocPostcode defined in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied in this call. Or: A supplied EndLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is set to Supplied, but the employee doesn’t have a EndLocPostcode for the same WorkPattDay already in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied with this call. |
| Error | A call to JeopReportRequest should supply a list of FRUs or Teams, but not both. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | N/A |
| Warning | The whole report of jobs in jeopardy, requested by a series of calls to JeopReportRequest, has been sent to the caller. |
| Warning | The report of jobs in jeopardy, requested by a series of calls call to JeopReportRequest, has been sent to the caller, but some jobs may be missing because of an unexpected internal error. |
| Error | The supplied BreakEarliest isn’t a valid Time. |
| Error | The supplied BreakLatest isn’t a valid Time. |
| Error | The supplied BreakDuration isn’t ≥ 0 and ≤ 999. OR A supplied BreakDuration = -1 and the supplied BreakName does not exist |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The EmpID has no shift or shift assignment on the supplied Date and SP_OptEmpOverrideNoShift isn’t set. Or, the EmpID has no shift or shift assignment on that Date, and StartTime and EndTime have both not been supplied. |
| Error | The EmpID is on public holiday on the supplied Date and OptEmpOverridePubHol isn’t set. |
| Reserved. | |
| Warning | Success, but the EmpID has jobs assigned to him on a day when a public holiday has been restored. |
| Warning | Success, but EmpID has jobs assigned to him on a day when he has no shift to be restored. |
| Error | A supplied PubHolSetID is too long. |
| Error | A supplied PubHolSetID is not in the ServiceOptimizer database |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied DeliverySize is either less than 0 or is greater than glob_vehicle_capacity_max. Or has been supplied with a non-zero value in a call to ApptOfferMultRequest. |
| Error | The supplied PickupSize is either less than 0 or is greater than glob_vehicle_capacity_max. Or has been supplied with a non-zero value in a call to ApptOfferMultRequest. |
| Error | The supplied Desc2 is longer than Description2Size. |
| Error | In a call to ApptBookRequest, the supplied OfferToken is for a forced (in-tray) offer but neither InTray nor InTrayWithSkills is set – or vice versa. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferRequest, the supplied PreferredDate is outside the memory horizon. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied EmpLocKnowRange struct TravelTime is greater than 255. |
| Error | A supplied LKValue is greater than 10. |
| Error | In the supplied SP_EmpLocKnowRangeSeq contains more than one SP_EmpLocKnowRange struct with the same TravelTime value. |
| Error | One or more of the operative’s shifts would overlap another (while the shift assignments dates don’t). |
| Error | The time between the end of one shift and the start of the next would be smaller than glob_min_shift_gap and SP_OptEmpAllowShiftsTooClose isn’t set. |
| Warning | Success. In a call to ApptOfferRequest, ApptBookRequestor JobBookRequest, a value for Importance has been supplied but has been ignored because the Allow De-allocation option isn’t switched on in the ServiceOptimizer server for all of the FRUs being searched. Offers may nonetheless still be returned. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultLKCLoc (EmpAttr) or LKCLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is outside the range of values defined by EmpLocType. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultLKCLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or LKCLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultLKCLoc (EmpAttr) is set to Supplied, but the employee doesn’t have DefaultLKCLocPostcode defined in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied in this call. Or: A supplied LKCLoc (EmpWorkPatt) is set to Supplied, but the employee doesn’t have a LKCLocPostcode for the same WorkPattDay already in the ServiceOptimizer database or supplied with this call. |
| Error | The supplied DefaultLKCLocPostcode (EmpAttr) or LKCLocPostcode (EmpWorkPatt) is longer than Postcode Size. |
| Error | The shift override end is not after its start. |
| Error | The supplied BreakEarliest is after the supplied BreakLatest. |
| Error | The supplied BreakEarliest is before the supplied shift start. |
| Error | The supplied BreakLatest is after the supplied shift end. |
| Error | The value supplied for IsAllDayJobShift is not valid for type SP_Bool. |
| Error | The value supplied for IsCapacityShift is not valid for type SP_Bool. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_EmpLocKnowRange struct, at least one of the LKValues doesn’t already exist and UpdateAllowAdd isn’t set to allow it to be created. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of DispatchMode isn’t one of the values defined in DispMode. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of BatchInfo.JobsMax is 0. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of BatchInfo.RangeType isn’t one of the values defined in DispRangeType. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of BatchInfo.RangeStart is later than BatchInfo.RangeEnd. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of BatchInfo.RangeStart is not a valid date and time. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, the supplied value of BatchInfo.RangeEnd is not a valid date and time. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, FRUs or Teams or an EmpID can be supplied, but not a combination. |
| Error | In a call to DispInitRequest, DispatchMode is set to Shifts, but the supplied BatchInfo is NULL. |
| Warning | Success. In a call to ApptOfferRequest, ApptBookRequestor JobBookRequest, the time taken searching for available capacity has exceeded ABS_search_timeout (though some offers have been returned). |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferRequest, ApptBookRequestor JobBookRequest, no available capacity has been found and the search time has exceeded ABS_search_timeout (similar to SP_NO_TIME_AVAILABLE (8), but the search timed out). |
| Error | In a call to EmpAddActRequest, ActUpdateRequest or SP_ActSet(), the Option CheckJobsShuffle is set (to allow shuffling), but the shuffling operation would allow at least one job to break its Access Hours and CheckJobsAllowBreakAH isn’t set. |
| Reserved. | |
| Warning | Success. In a call to Change Work Item Status SOAP API one of the JobChange???TimeRequest functions, EmpAddActRequest, ActUpdateRequest, SP_ActSet(), FixBreakTimesRequest or EmpOverrideRequest some overlaps have remained, even though job shuffling may have been done. |
| Error | In a call to onr of the JobChange???TimeRequest functions, the job would end up spanning more than one day and so would be fixed and not schedulable by the Optimizer. |
| Error | The time between the start time and the end time of the shift is greater than 24 hours. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | An internal error has occurred in the ServiceOptimizer server. The details are in the appropriate FRU process’s diagnostic log (see System Admin Guide). |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | One of the supplied times is invalid because it’s during the Spring DST changeover when clocks are put forward. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_Travelling), the supplied value of DateTime is earlier than the current Start time by more than tol_cjs_travelling. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_Travelling), the supplied value of DateTime is later than the current Start time by more than tol_cjs_travelling. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_LoggedOn), the supplied value of DateTime is earlier than the current Arrival time by more than tol_cjs_logged_on. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_LoggedOn), the supplied value of DateTime is later than the current Arrival time by more than tol_cjs_logged_on. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_LoggedOff), the supplied value of DateTime is later than <now> by more than tol_cjs_logged_off. |
| Error | In a call to SP_ChangeJobStatus(SPDS_Cleared), the supplied value of DateTime is later than <now> by more than tol_cjs_cleared. |
| Error | In a call to JobChangeStartTimeRequest, the supplied StartDateTime is later than the end of the day on tol_cjdt_start working days after the day on which the job is currently scheduled. |
| Error | In a call to JobChangeArrivalTimeRequest, the supplied ArrivalDateTime is not on the same day as the existing arrival time. |
| Error | In a call to JobChangeFinishTimeRequest, the supplied FinishDateTime is not before the end of the next day |
| Error | Either ServHoursPreDefPatts or ServHoursPatts should be supplied but not both. |
| Error | If ServAsAccHours is set, an Access Hours Pattern should not be supplied too. |
| Error | At least one of the supplied Access Hours Overrides doesn’t have an end date and time. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied value of VehicleCapacity is greater than glob_vehicle_capacity_max. |
| Error | One of the supplied DotW fields is not within the range defined by DayOfTheWeek |
| Error | The supplied GracePeriod isn’t between 0 and 240 (inclusive). |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied StartTime is not a valid time. |
| Error | The supplied EndTime is not a valid time. |
| Error | At least two of the supplied Service Hours Periods overlap. |
Return Codes 400 - 499 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Error | The supplied StartDate is not a valid date. |
| Error | The supplied EndDate is not a valid date. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPattSeq, Reserved is > 0 but ServHourPatts is NULL. |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would place the job outside of its Service hours (including its Grace period). |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPreDefPattSeq, Size is > 0 but ServHoursPreDefPatts is NULL. |
| Error | The supplied ServHoursPattID is longer than ServHoursPattID Size. |
| Error | The supplied ServHoursPattID does not exist. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied value of TOTB is < 0 or > 1440 |
| Error | In a supplied SP_DayAndTimePeriodSeq, Size is > 0 but DayAndTimePeriods is NULL. |
| Error | The supplied StartTime is not a valid time. |
| Error | The supplied EndTime is not a valid time. (This can arise if ServAsAccHours is set and an Access Hours time period becomes > 24 hours when the Grace Period is added.) |
| Error | At least two of the supplied Access Hours Periods overlap. |
| Error | The supplied StartDate is not a valid date. |
| Error | The supplied EndDate is not a valid date. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_AccHoursPattSeq, Size is > 0 but Reserved is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPattSeq, Size is not > 0. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_DayAndTimePeriodSeq, Size is not > 0. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPreDefPattSeq, Size is not > 0. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_AccHoursPattSeq, Size is not > 0. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would mean the employee arrives to begin the job outside of the Access hours for the job or (call-to-fix only) ends the job outside of the Access hours for the job. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The Size supplied in CustomKWVs is < 0. |
| Error | At least one of the supplied Keywords is longer than CustomKeywordSize or is “”. |
| Error | At least one of the supplied Values is longer than CustomValueSize or is of the wrong type (format). |
| Error | At least one of the supplied Keywords is not defined in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPattSeq, the same Service Hours pattern must be supplied for each date range. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_DateTimeRangeSeq, DateTimeRanges is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_DateTimeRangeSeq, Size is not > 0. |
| Error | A supplied OpenHoursOvrType is not one of its defined values. |
| Error | A supplied StartDateTime is not a valid date/time or is not supplied. |
| Error | A supplied EndDateTime is not a valid date/time. |
| Error | A supplied EndDateTime is not greater than the StartDateTime. |
| Error | A supplied StartDateTime is not a valid date/time or is not supplied. |
| Error | A supplied EndDateTime is not a valid date/time. |
| Error | A supplied EndDateTime is not greater than the StartDateTime. |
| Error | Moving the job to this position would mean the job now starts after the set Jeopardy ETA. |
| Error | The supplied ContractEarliest isn’t a valid date. |
| Error | The supplied ContractLatest isn’t a valid date or is not supplied. |
| Error | No access hours (access hours pattern or overrides) have been supplied. |
| Error | In a supplied date range for a Service Hours pattern, the EndDate isn’t the same as or after the corresponding StartDate. |
| Error | The supplied value of TOTA is < 0 or > 1440 |
| Error | Two or more of the supplied date ranges for Service Hours overlap. |
| Error | The current ETA (or ETF if call to fix) of the job is not within the resulting Access Hours |
| Error | In a supplied SP_ServHoursPreDefPattSeq, the same ServHoursPattID must be supplied for each date range. |
| Error | An attempt has been made to execute a SOAP web service call without having logged in or supplied login information with the service call. |
| Error | OpenAccHoursOvrs have been supplied but the UseAccHours option has also been set. |
| Error | In the supplied set of custom values (SP_CustomKWVSeq), at least one of the Keywords has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | In the supplied set of Public Holidays (SP_PubHolSetSeq), at least one of the PubHolSetIDs has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | Reserved. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_CustomKWVSeq, CustomKWVs is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_PubHolSetSeq, PubHolSets is NULL. |
| Error | A supplied LKValue in DefaultRegionLKs (EmpSeqs) or RegionLKs (WorkPattDay) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A supplied LKValue in DefaultRangeLKs (EmpSeqs) or RangeLKs (WorkPattDay) is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The Supplied TravelTime is greater than 255 |
| Error | In the supplied ClosedDates sequence, Size is not > 0. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In the supplied ClosedDates sequence, DateRanges is NULL. |
| Error | A supplied ClosedDates StartDate is not valid. |
| Error | A supplied ClosedDates EndDate is not valid. |
| Error | A date range for the supplied Access Hours has an EndDate that isn’t the same as or after the corresponding StartDate. |
| Error | Two or more of the supplied DateRanges for Access Hours overlap. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_AccHoursPattSeq, the same Access Hours pattern must be supplied for each date range. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A supplied ClosedDates EndDate isn’t the same as or after the corresponding StartDate. |
| Error | A mandatory Option isn’t set but the corresponding fields has been supplied for a ‘replacement’ type of update. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_EmpWorkPatt, Size is > 0 but WorkPattDays is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_LocKnowRegionSeq, Size is > 0 but LocKnowRegions is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_LocKnowRangeSeq, Size is > 0 but LocKnowRanges is NULL. |
| Error | There is no overdue cost associated with either the supplied Priority or with the default (SP_PriorityNormal). |
| Error | A value of Importance has been supplied for which the associated cost is 0. |
| Error | JobUpdateRequest can’t be called for an appointment |
| Error | In the supplied Work Pattern (EmpWorkPatt), Size is > Max. |
| Error | In the supplied Work Pattern (EmpWorkPatt), at least one day (WeekNum & DotW) has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | In the supplied Work Pattern (EmpWorkPatt), at least one value of WeekNum isn’t between (inclusive) 1 and 53 |
| Error | In the supplied DefaultRangeLKs (EmpSeqs), at least one TravelTime has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | In the supplied DefaultRegionLKs (EmpSeqs), at least one RegionID has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | On at least one of the days in the supplied EmpWorkPatt, at least one RangeLKs TravelTime has been supplied more than once. |
| Error | On at least one of the days in the supplied EmpWorkPatt, at least one RegionLKs RegionID has been supplied more than once. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A supplied LKValue in DefaultRegionLKs or RegionLKs (WorkPattDay) is greater than 10. |
| Error | The supplied SyncDate is not a valid date. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied CheckEmp isn’t the same as the employee that the job is currently allocated to. OR in call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest, the supplied EmpID is not the same as the one assigned to the existing other parts in the same DependencyGroup. |
| Error | The supplied JobID is for a job whose dispatch status is already SPDS_LoggedOff or SPDS_Cleared. |
| Reserved. | |
Return Codes 500 - 599 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Error | The supplied SiteID is longer than SiteID Size. |
| Error | The supplied GroupID is longer than GroupID Size. |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferMultRequest,either a SiteID or a GroupID has been supplied. |
| Error | An EmpID has been supplied in a call to DispInitRequest, but DispatchMode isn’t set to Batch. |
| Error | In a call of GetChangedWorkItemsRequest, the supplied TimeStampIn is in the future. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_BDGJobSeq, Size is not >0. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_BDGJobSeq, Jobs is NULL. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_JobDepSeq, Size is not >0. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a supplied SP_JobDepSeq, JobDeps is NULL. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the DepJobIDs is empty or is longer than JobID Size. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the DepJobsTimes is not one of the defined values for the DepTimeType type. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargJobIDs is empty or is longer than JobID Size. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargJobsTimes is not one of the defined values for the DepTimeType type. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the EarliestTimeUnits is not one of the defined values for the DepUnits type. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the LatestTimeUnits is not one of the defined values for the DepUnits type. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargetTimeUnits is not one of the defined values for the DepUnits type. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the CostIDs is empty or is longer than CostID Size. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the CostIDs is not in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the DepEmpTypes is not one of the defined values for the DepEmpType type. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargetTimes is earlier than the corresponding EarliestTime. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargetTimes is later than the corresponding LatestTime. |
| Error | There is an impossible cyclic dependency in the time dependencies between the jobs in the supplied JobDeps. |
| Error | The jobs can’t be booked within the supplied dependency constraints. (This could be a conflict between the Jobs’ ReqEmps and the dependency’s ReqEmpType. or that there are overlaps as a result of the use of the allowOverlaps option when offering for long jobs) |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the DepJobIDs neither matches one of the JobIDs in the supplied Jobs, nor exists in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargJobIDs neither matches one of the JobIDs in the supplied Jobs, nor exists in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | There is an impossible cyclic dependency in the operative dependencies between the jobs in the supplied JobDeps. |
| Error | The jobs in this dependency group are in more than one FRU. Or: an request has been made to rebook a dependency group (AllowRebookAll is set) into a different FRU from where it already exists. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | A supplied SP_DateTime is not valid |
| Error | A dependency group already exists with the supplied MultiJobID. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the DepJobIDs is the ID of a job that’s in another existing dependency group. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the TargJobIDs is the ID of a job that’s in an existing job dependency group. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_BDGRetInfo, RetJobs is NULL. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | There are no operatives posted to any of the FRUs that are mapped to the location of this job. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | No overrides have been supplied at all. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The shift override would result in an operative day shorter than specified by glob_min_wd_len. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The proposed shift start must be between -23 and +23 hours of 00:00 on the supplied Date. |
| Error | The proposed shift end must be between +1 and +47 hours of 00:00 on the supplied Date (i.e. between -23 and +23 of 24:00). |
| Error | A StartDate has been supplied but no StartTime. |
| Error | An EndDate has been supplied but no EndTime. |
| Error | The latest end of the break (BreakLatest + BreakDuration) is after the end of the shift override. |
| Error | There is a ADJ on this shift, though it’s no longer an ADJ shift. |
| Reserved. | |
| Warning | Success, but SP_OptRestoreShift is set and there was no shift override. |
| Warning | Success, but SP_OptRestoreLocs is set and there were no location overrides. |
| Error | Neither SP_OptRestoreShift nor SP_OptRestoreLocs is set. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_MultiJob, MultiJobID is empty or is longer than JobID Size OR has been identified as the id of a part job OR a MultiJobID for a Split Job has been supplied to JobCancelRequest. |
| Error | In the supplied Jobs, the same JobID appears in more than one SP_BDGJob. |
| Error | In one of the supplied JobDeps, the DepJobID is the same as the TargJobID |
| Error | A job has been supplied in Jobs but there are no dependencies for it in the supplied JobDeps. |
| Error | In a call of BookDependencyGroupRequest, JobDeps hasn’t been supplied. |
| Error | The value supplied in NewTravelStatus is not one of the declared values for type EmpTravelStatus. |
| Warning | The receipt of travel status (and consequent checking) is switched off for the supplied EmpID. |
| Error | The value supplied in ShowOperativeStatus is not one of the declared values for type SP_Bool. |
| Error | The value supplied in ShowTravelStatus is not one of the declared values for type SP_Bool. |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, one of the LatestTimes is earlier than the corresponding EarliestTime. |
| Error | A dependency has been supplied on an existing job that’s unresourced. |
| Error | The ForceOptions value of InTrayAfterAll has not been supplied for all or none of the jobs in the supplied Jobs. |
| Error | The value supplied for IsPrimaryJob isn’t SP_False or SP_True. |
| Error | In a supplied JobDeps, a CostID has been supplied but no TargetTime. |
| Error | In a call of Change Work Item Status SOAP API for an all-day job, the supplied DateTime would cause the job to span more than one operative day. |
| Error | In a call to Change Work Item Status SOAP API one of the In a call to Update Spares Stock SOAP API one of the |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | Capacity checking is enabled and no CapacityCategory was supplied and the job's job type has no capacity category defined. |
| Error | In a call to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest, the supplied FreezeTheDayLeadTime isn’t >= 0 or isn’t <= 999. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | One of EmpAddActRequest, ActUpdateRequest or SP_ActSet() has been called for a frozen day and CheckFrozen is set. |
| Error | In a call of EmpCreateRequest, FreezeTheDayTimeOfDay has been supplied but not FreezeTheDayLeadTime. Or in a call of EmpUpdateRequest, FreezeTheDayTimeOfDay is supplied but there’s no value already set for FreezeTheDayLeadTime, nor is it supplied. |
| Error | In a call of EmpCreateRequest, FreezeTheDayLeadTime has been supplied but not FreezeTheDayTimeOfDay. Or in a call of EmpUpdateRequest, FreezeTheDayLeadTime is supplied but there’s no value already set for FreezeTheDayTimeOfDay, nor is it supplied. |
| Warning | A call of DispRequest has returned because the Dispatch Request Timeout has expired and there are no jobs ready to be dispatched. (DispRequest should be called again before the Dispatch Re-Request Timeout has elapsed otherwise the connection will be closed.) |
| Error | The DefaultStartLoc is already “Work” or will be (Work supplied) but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | The DefaultEndLoc is already “Work” or will be (Work supplied) but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | The DefaultLKCLoc is already “Work” or will be (Work supplied) but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the StartLocs would be “Work” but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the EndLocs would be “Work” but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the LKCLocs would be “Work” but there won’t be a corresponding Work Postcode |
| Error | The DefaultStartLoc is already “Depot” or will be (Depot supplied) but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
| Error | The DefaultEndLoc is already “Depot” or will be (Depot supplied) but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
| Error | The DefaultLKCLoc is already “Depot” or will be (Depot supplied) but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the StartLocs would be “Depot” but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the EndLocs would be “Depot” but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
Return Codes 600 - 699 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Error | In the resulting Work Pattern one of the LKCLocs would be “Depot” but not all of the teams that the operative is posted to will have an associated Depot |
| Error | In the supplied JobDeps, more than one SP_JobDep has been supplied. (The currently supported use cases require only one.) |
| Error | The supplied CapacityCategory does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | The supplied CapacityCategory is longer than CapacityCategoryIDSize. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied Latitude isn’t in the range -90.0 to +90.0 |
| Error | The supplied Longitude isn’t in the range -180.0 to +180.0 |
| Error | The supplied Address1 is longer than LocAdd Size. |
| Error | The supplied Address2 is longer than LocAdd Size. |
| Error | The supplied Address3 is longer than LocAdd Size. |
| Error | The supplied Address4 is longer than LocAdd Size. |
| Error | The supplied PostCode is longer than Postcode Size. |
| Error | The supplied CountryCode is longer than CountryCodeSize. |
| Error | The supplied GeoFence.LocType is longer than GeoFenceLocType Size. |
| Error | The supplied GeoFence.LocType is empty. (GeoFence is optional, but if supplied, must contain a LocType.) |
| Error | The supplied GeoFence.LocName is longer than GeoFenceLocName Size. |
| Error | The supplied GeoFence.LocType does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | In a call to EmpChangeTravelStatus2Request, the supplied (mandatory) TimeStamp is empty, or In a call to UpdateSpecialPeriodRequest neither startTime or endTime is specified. |
| Error | In a call to BookDependencyGroupRequest, not all of the DRUs supplied for each job are the same. |
| Error | In a call toCancelDependencyGroupRequest, the supplied MultiJobID does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer memory horizon. |
| Error | In a call to CancelDependencyGroupRequest, IsJobID is set but the supplied JobID does not exist in the ServiceOptimizer memory horizon. |
| Error | In a call to CancelDependencyGroupRequest, IsJobID is set but the supplied JobID is not a job in an existing dependency group. |
| Error | A DRU has been supplied but it contains no FRUs. |
| Error | An attempt has been made to re-book a dependency group (AllowRebookAll is set) but one or more of the existing JobIDs in this Dependency Group is outside the memory horizon. |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferMultRequest, capacity checking isn’t switched off for all of the FRUs where offers would be made, or a CapacityCategory has been supplied, or there is a capacity category associated with at least one of the supplied job types. |
| Reserved. | |
| The supplied FRUID does not exist in the database. | |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | Returned by the Get Job Statistics SOAP API and Jeopardy Report SOAP API when the |
| Reserved. | |
| Warning | The call has succeeded, but capacity has been exceeded in some way (it may have been exceeded before the call). |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferRequest, NumReq is not supplied but no default is defined in the ServiceOptimizer database (database parameter num_req_default). |
| Error | In a call to ApptOfferRequest, NumReqType is not supplied but the time band type cannot be inferred from the specified PromSet because the promise set contains time bands of more than one type. |
| Warning | The EmpUpdateRequest call has succeeded, but the operative’s van spares allocation may not have been updated. |
| Error | In a call to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest, a team is referenced that has been updated via ServiceManager but which has not yet been reloaded in ServiceOptimizer. For example, the team may be new or may have been assigned to a different IRU. The ServiceOptimizer instance must be restarted before the team can be used in this way. |
| Error | In a call to EmpUpdateRequest a posting change would result in one or more completed jobs allocated to this operative being outside the posting to this FRU. |
| Error | In a call to EmpUpdateRequest one or more completed jobs have been found which would lie inside a period where the operative would no longer have a shift assignment. |
| Error | The shift has a break type that is not allowed with this request. |
| Error | In a call to EmpOverrideRequest all Breaks should be of type Overridden. |
| Error | In a supplied SP_BreakSeq, Size will result in the total number of breaks being > 5. |
| Error | In the supplied SP_BreakSeq, the same BreakName appears in more than one SP_EmpBreakPeriod |
| Error | In the supplied SP_BreakSeq, at least one of the SP_EmpBreakPeriods specified overlaps with another, or with a pre-defined shift SP_EmpBreakPeriod. This error can also be returned when breaks are passed to the API out of chronological order eg. first break 12:00-14:00, second break 08:00-09:00. In effect, the end of one of the breaks is later than the start of the next break in the sequence. |
| Error | The supplied BreakName is too long or is empty or is not a valid BreakName for the operative day in question (FixBreakTimesRequest) |
| Error | In a call to FixBreakTimesRequest the break is not of type Fixed. |
| Error | The supplied BreakEarliest is not a valid spDateTime. |
| Error | BreakLatest – BreakEarliest > glob_max_break_window_len |
| Error | RequiredObjects supplied to GetChangedEmpRequest or Name supplied to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest is not known or invalid/too long |
| Error | SPESDTType supplied to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest is either outside the allowed range or cannot be found. |
| Error | Name supplied to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest duplicates another previously given () |
| Error | The DeliverySize or PickupSize provided is greater than the maximum Vehicle Capacity (available for any single vehicle within the FRU.) available for any single vehicle within the FRU. |
| Error | ExternalData supplied to EmpCreateRequest or EmpUpdateRequest is too long |
| Error | Period of new shift assignment in EmpUpdateRequest call conflicts with existing overrides for the employee in question. |
| Error | In a call to EmpAddActRequest both duration and expectedEnd have been defined. |
| Reserved. | |
| Error | The supplied SP_SA_TravelMode is not one of the defined values. |
| Error | In a call to ActUpdateRequest the supplied Dispatch mode is different than that currently set. |
| Error | In a call to ActUpdateRequest the supplied TravelMode is different than that currently set. |
| Error | When creating a Standard Activity the dispatch mode is not a Boolean value |
SP_WORKITEMTYPE_INVALID (671) | Error | The supplied WorkItemType is not one of Job or Activity. |
| Error | Endtime cannot be used in conjunction with a Standard Activity with TravelMode ETS when creating a Standard Activity. |
| Error | In a call to EmpAddActRequest the Location Type specified for the Standard Activity requires a postcode to also be given. |
| Error | In a call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest only one of SP_ApptBook or JobBookRequest should be supplied. |
| Error | In a call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest the duration is either not given, or is invalid |
| Error | In a call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest the Earliest time specified is invalid |
| Error | In a call to BookSplitDependencyGroupRequest the Latest time specified is invalid |
| Error | In a call to JobTypeCreate the Category supplied does not exist. |
| Error | In a call to ChangeJobStatus “SPDS_Travelling” is invalid for a noTravel job. |
| Error | A call has been made on a job which requires the job to be in the Pending state and the job is not in that state, or was never booked as Pending. |
| Error | A call has been made which expects the acceptance state of the job to be Accepted and the job is not in that state |
| Error | A call to change the acceptance status of a job is attempting to set the job to its current state. |
| Error | |
| Error | In a supplied |
| Error | In a supplied |
| Error | In a supplied |
| Error | The supplied |
| Error | In a call to Update Operative SOAP API a supplied posting update would cause a Special Period to span postings. |
| Error | The combination of |
| Error | In a call to Create/Update/Delete Postcode/Location SOAP API the requested action is unsupported. |
| Error | In a call to Create/Update/Delete Postcode/Location SOAP API the supplied name does not exist in the database. |
| Error | In a call to Create/Update/Delete Postcode/Location SOAP API OR, when offer/booking with an UNKNOWN postcode, the attempt to map the postcode/location to a region has failed. The named postcode/location has not been added/updated. |
| Error | In a call to Create/Update/Delete Postcode/Location SOAP API the supplied name already exists and action is not ‘update’. |
| Error | Only 1 Mandatory Ordered employee may be specified. |
SP_OK_BREAK_STATUS_LOST (695) | Warning | A call to Fix Break Times SOAP API has been made that is removing either the Started or Finished status. |
(696) | Reserved. | |
| Error |
| Error | Returned when a supplied ref value in an <add> section of the Update User Job Restriction SOAP API results in attempting to add a restriction type to the specified user that already exists. |
| Error | Returned when a supplied ref value in a <remove> section of the Update User Job Restriction SOAP API results in attempting to remove a restriction type from the specified user that does not exist. |
Return Codes 700 - 799 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
| Reserved. | |
SP_USERID_EXISTS (702) | Error | Returned when the userId value supplied in a call to the Create User SOAP API already exists in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
SP_USERID_DOES_NOT_EXIST (703) | Error | Returned when the Returned when a |
| Error | Returned when the profile value supplied in a call to the Create User SOAP API or Update User SOAP API is not a valid profile in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
| Error | Returned when the
SP_ROLE_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST (706) | Error | Returned when the id value supplied in a call to the Update User SOAP API is not a valid role in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
SP_PARAMETER_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (707) | Error | Returned when the value supplied in a call to the Update User SOAP API is not a valid FRU, Operative or Team in the ServiceOptimizer database. |
SP_PARAMETER_TYPE_INVALID (708) | Error | Returned when the <formalParameter> section of a call to the Update User SOAP API does not match a defined formal parameter for the supplied role. |
SP_ROLE_EXISTS (709) | Error | Returned when a call to the Update User SOAP API is an attempt to ADD a role to a user that is already assigned to the given user. |
SP_LANGUAGE_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (710) | Error | Returned when the languageCode parameter in a call to the Get Job Type SOAP API is an invalid language code. |
SP_NO_TRANSLATION_AVAILABLE (711) | Error | Returned when a call to the Get Job Type SOAP API results in one or more job types being returned for which no translation has been set for the requested languageCode . |
(712) - (799) | Reserved. | |
Return Codes 800 - 899 | ||
Return Code Name (Number) | Type | Description |
SP_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (800) | Error | Returned when a call to the Update User SOAP API is an attempt to UPDATE a role for a user, or DELETE a role from a user, where that role is not currently assigned to the given user. |
SP_PARAMETER_TYPE_DUPLICATED (801) | Error | Returned when a call to the Update User SOAP API contains a duplicated <formalParameter> section. A role’s formalParameter is duplicated when the parameterType, parameterName and parameterValue are duplicated - if a different parameterValue is given then it is not a duplicate and is treated as an OR with the other parameterName settings |
SP_PARAMETER_TYPE_LEFT_UNDEFINED (802) | Error | Returned when a call to the Update User SOAP API is an attempt to ADD or UPDATE a role for a user, where a parameterName defined for the role has not been given a value. |
SP_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE (803) | Error | Returned by the Update Spares Stock SOAP API when a skill or special resource with this name already exists; a spare cannot use the same ID. |
SP_JOB_SPARE_NOT_BOOKED (804) | Error | Returned by the Change Work Item Status SOAP API when a spare that was not booked for the job is passed in. |
| Error | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when a supplied filterAction value in the filterActionList structure does not match a valid action in the SP501_GANTT_ACTIONS table. |
| Error | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when the filterActionList structure contains one or more duplicate filterAction values. |
| Error | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when no options value is supplied, but at least one of the filterUserList and/or filterActionList structures are supplied. |
| Error | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when a filterUser value in the filterUserList structure references a user that is not enabled. |
| Error | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when the filterUserList structure contains one or more duplicate filterUser values. |
SP_OK_FILTERLIST_IGNORED (810) | Warning | Returned by the Job History SOAP API when a supplied filterUserList and/or filterActionList structures was supplied, but was ignored by the API. |
SP_DUPLICATE_FRUID (811) | Error | Returned by the Get Capacity Statistics SOAP API, Get Job Statistics SOAP API and Jeopardy Report SOAP API when a duplicate FRUID value is supplied. |
SP_DATERANGE_GT_MAX_DAYS_STATS (812) | Error | Returned by the Get Capacity Statistics SOAP API and Get Job Statistics SOAP API when the date range supplied via the StartDate and EndDate field values exceeds the maximum permitted range for the API, as defined by the max_days_stats value in the sp083_system_parameters database table. |
| Warning | Returned by the Get Capacity Statistics SOAP API, Get Job Statistics SOAP API and Jeopardy Report SOAP API when the request was intended to return results for multiple FRUs, but it was not possible to return results for at least one (but not all) of the FRUs. |
SP_DUPLICATE_TEAMID (814) | Error | Returned by the Jeopardy Report SOAP API when a duplicate TeamID value is supplied. |
SP_DEPENDENCY_ON_APPOINTMENT_JOB (815) | Error | Returned by the Book Dependency Group Job SOAP API when a dependency that has been supplied with an appointment cannot be moved. |
SP_JOB_OUT_OF_SCOPE (816) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when trying to set the paused status of a job that is not scheduled for today. |
SP_UNRESOURCED_JOB_NOT_PAUSABLE (817) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when the job is unresourced and the pause status cannot, therefore, be set. |
SP_JOB_IS_PAUSED (818) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when trying to set a job as paused, but the job is already in this state. |
SP_JOB_IS_UNPAUSED (819) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when trying to set a job as unpaused, but the job is already in this state. |
SP_ALL_DAY_JOB_NOT_PAUSABLE (820) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when the job is not a valid job type for setting the pause status. |
SP_JOB_NOT_PAUSABLE (821) | Error | Returned by the Set Pause Job SOAP API when the job is not in a valid status for setting the pause status. |
SP_VWDL_COMBINATION_INVALID (822) | Error | Returned by the Book Appointment SOAP API when:
Returned by the Book Dependency Group Job SOAP API, Book Non-Appointment Job SOAP API and Request Appointments SOAP API when:
The Accordingly, these force options cannot be used with VWDL jobs, unless a |
SP_VWDL_LOCATION_INVALID (823) | Error | Returned by the Book Appointment SOAP API, Book Dependency Group Job SOAP API, Book Non-Appointment Job SOAP API and Request Appointments SOAP API when the vwdlLocationType value supplied is not supported. |
SP_VWDL_TRAVEL_INVALID (824) | Error | Returned by the Book Appointment SOAP API, Book Dependency Group Job SOAP API, Book Non-Appointment Job SOAP API and Request Appointments SOAP API when:
The Virtual Work Dynamic Location feature does not permit virtual work which is expected to be carried out at the assigned operative's home location to ignore travel time. (However, where the schedule is able to place VWDL jobs at home for the same operative next to each other, the travel time between jobs will naturally be zero anyway, as they will all be taking place at the same operative's home location.) |
(825) - (899) | Reserved. |
In a call to Update Non-Appointment Job SOAP API
is set withoutSetDispStatusBack
being set.