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14.1 ServiceAnalytics 2

This page covers a number of previously seen errors from within the ServiceAnalytics product. If you come across any issues with ServiceAnalytics first check for a reason/resolution here before referring to the ServicePower Support team.


Reports menu item does not appear

The Problem

After installing ServiceAnalytics the Reports menu item is not displayed

The Reason

a) ServiceAnalytics classes not yet loaded

b) Both versions of ServiceAnalytics deployed into the same installation

The Resolution

a) After initial installation of ServiceAnalytics or upgrade of ServiceManager it is necessary to restart the tomcat server a second time in order to load all the modules classes.  If this is unsuccessful then the problem may be caused by reason b).

b) Stop the tomcat server, uninstall ServiceAnalytics using the appropriate method (MSI or ZIP), remove the expanded ServiceManager webapp directory.  Reinstall ServiceAnalytics and restart the tomcat server.

HTTP Status 500 exception


The Problem

The following exception occurs when selecting a report

javax.servlet.ServletException: could not execute query

The Reason

The C3P0 connection pool is incorrectly handling unreturned connections to the connection pool.

The Resolution

Update the hibernate.cfg.xml file located within your properties directory and remove the following line

<property name="hibernate.c3p0.unreturnedConnectionTimeout">30</property>

Error: “Failed to read data from report file <filename>: Reason failed to read parameter object” when saving a List of Values


The Problem

The error occurs then the user who is saving the report does not have correct permissions in the CRS Business View Manager.

The Resolution

This issue is documented on the Business Object Support site on KBase Article ID: 2800068, briefly:

  1. Log on to Business View Manager as administrator.
  2. Click View > Repository Explorer.
  3. Right-click Dynamic Cascading Prompts. Click Edit Rights.
  4. Click the appropriate user or group receiving the error.
  5. Click the Granted option for the right to View, Edit & Set Security rights.
  6. Click OK. Close Business View Manager.

 The user or group is now able to save a report with dynamic parameters toEnterprise