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14.1 Database Related Issues

On This Page:

The ServiceManager application works partially by interacting directly with the ServiceOptimizer database, and partially via the SOAP APIs into the ServiceOptimizer Server. This page covers a number of previously experienced issues with the former type of connection. If you have such an issue reported to you, please check within this section for a Reason/Resolution before reporting to the ServicePower Support Team.

MSSQL Database Connectivity

The Problem

ServiceManager fails to start up correctly because of incorrect database specification. Inspection of the console log will show the fundamental problem. 

Invalid Data in Connection String

A stack track, similar to that below, will be seen.

- using driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver at URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://rubbish-host:1433;databaseName=development
- connection properties: {user=testdbuser, password=****}
- Could not obtain connection metadata
java.sql.SQLException: <error message>
SERVICEManager: init - ended: unsuccessfully
with java.sql.SQLException: <error message> being replaced with something along the lines of:
invalid host
java.sql.SQLException: Unknown server host name 'rubbish-host'
invalid Port
java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Could not create socket.
invalid Database
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot open database requested in login 'unknown'.
Login fails.

invalid user name

or pass word

Login failed for user 'unknown'.

Invalid Database Driver

- JDBC Driver class not found: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.rubbish
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.rubbish     at
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader. (

Invalid Hibernate SQL Dialect

- using driver:net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver at URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://jodd:1433;databaseName=development
- connection properties: {user=testdbuser, password=****}
- RDBMS:Microsoft SQL Server, version: 08.00.0760
- JDBC driver:jTDS Type 4 JDBC Driver for MS SQL Server and Sybase, version: 1.2
%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Dialect class not found: org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect-unknown

The Reason

ServiceManager relies on accurate and correct set up of its database parameters to execute correctly, if these are not correct when ServiceManager attempts to connect to the database it will fail.

The Resolution

ServiceManager requires a valid specification of its database instance. The above stack traces clearly show the problems that can occur when failing to configure the MSSQL database connection appropriately.

To resolve: terminate Tomcat and edit the hibernate.cfg.xml file and specify the correct connection string:

  <property name="connection.url">
  <property name="connection.driver_class">
  <property name="connection.username">testdbuser</property>
  <property name="connection.password">test</property>
  <property name="dialect">

MSSQL Trusted Connection Database Connectivity

The Problem

The customer does not wish to include database username and password details within the ServiceManager configuration files but wishes to leverage the MSSQL's support for single sign-on (SSO) based trusted connections.

The Reason

The default installation of ServiceManager does not support trusted database connections between it and MSSQL database. An amount of manual configuration is required to resolve this issue.

The Resolution

MSSQL trusted connection is implemented through the use of Windows SSO.  Once configured ServiceManager will use Windows SSO to authenticate the user under whose account the SERVICEManager/Tomcat instance is being executed. For instructions on activating SSO see MSSQL SSO Configuration.

Oracle Database Connectivity

The Problem

ServiceManager fails to start up correctly because of incorrect database specification. Inspection of the console log will show the fundamental problem. 

Invalid Data in Connection String

A stack track, similar to that below, will be seen.

- using driver:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at URL: dbc:oracle:thin:@unknown:1521:ora112
- connection properties: {user=test, password=****}
- Could not obtain connection metadata
java.sql.SQLException: <error message>
with java.sql.SQLException: <error message> being replaced with something along the lines of:
invalid host
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could
not establish the connection
invalid Port

%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:152199

invalid Database

java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=169869568)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))

invalid user name

or pass word

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Invalid Database Driver

- JDBC Driver class not found: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver-rubbish
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver-rubbish
     at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(

Invalid Hibernate SQL Dialect

- using driver:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@jodd:1521:ora112
- connection properties: {user=jodd_v61, password=****}
- RDBMS: Oracle,version: Oracle11i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
- JDBC driver:Oracle JDBC driver, version:
%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Dialect class not found: org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect-rubbish

The Reason

ServiceManager relies on accurate and correct set up of its database parameters to execute correctly, if these are not correct when ServiceManager attempts to connect to the database it will fail.

The Resolution

ServiceManager requires a valid specification of its database instance. The above stack traces clearly show the problems that can occur when failing to configure the Oracle database connection appropriately. 

  	<property name="connection.url">
	<property name="connection.username">test</property>
	<property name="connection.password">test</property>
	<property name="connection.driver_class">
	<property name="dialect">