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14.1 General Settings

  • Configure properties.xml in <installation directory>\webapps\ServiceSWAT\conf directory. See the 14.1 Properties File section for details on this file.

  • Configure log4perl.conf in <installation directory>\webapps\ServiceSWAT\conf directory. Update the location for the BM_Console.log file.

log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = c:\<installation directory>\webapps\ServiceSWAT\logs\bm_console.log


  • Updating the ServiceOptimizer DB:
         For those Using ServiceSWAT to import DB – see Testing page for details.
         For those having an independent mechanism to import DB and set up – run <installation directory>\webapps\ServiceSWAT\database\

  • Update ServiceManager path. In <installation directory>\webapps\ServiceSWAT\html open the menu.html for editing. Find and correct the following line to be correct for the URL for ServiceManager:

               db[i++] = new dbRecord("../images/sp.gif",false, false, "SERVICEManager Link","http://localhost:8080/SERVICEManager",1,"SERVICEManager", true,"_blank")