

Capacity patterns can be set at either FRU or team level for a given period: this table specifies those cases where these capacity values are assigned at the FRU level. 

Records are expected to exist for every active FRU, unless all the teams in that FRU have levels configured at team-level (see sp355_team_cap_assignments). Furthermore, it is expected that the set of records for a specific FRU together cover the whole date-range of the ServiceOptimizer memory horizon. However, if any records are missing then ServiceOptimizer will assume a reserved value of 0% and a limit of 100%. 
Assignments must not overlap. 


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Global group.


Table Definition

fru_nonumber(9) (error)
capacity_pattern_nonumber(9) (error)
start_datedate (error)
end_datedate (error)


primary key sp353_pk (fru_no, capacity_pattern_no, start_date) 
foreign key sp353_fk_sp058 (fru_no) references sp058_responsibility_units(resp_unit_no) 
foreign key sp353_fk_sp351 (capacity_pattern_no) references sp351_capacity_patterns(capacity_pattern_no)

Column Descriptions

fru_noThe FRU identifier.
capacity_pattern_noThe pattern to be applied.
start_dateThe start of the period that this FRU has this pattern applied (FRU time zone).
end_dateThis specifies the end of the period for which this pattern applies. If this column is NULL then the period is open-ended (FRU time zone).

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14.1 sp353_fru_cap_assignments
14.1 sp353_fru_cap_assignments
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14.1 sp355_team_cap_assignments
14.1 sp355_team_cap_assignments
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