Document toolboxDocument toolbox


The travel matrix defines the region to region travel times for use in offering and scheduling appointments. 

Not all combinations of regions will be held here, only the sensible region to region trips. If the value for a particular trip is not present then the travel time for the journey between the higher level regions in the region hierarchy will be used.


Table Definition

region_no1number(9) (error)
region_ref1varchar2(26) (error)
region_no2number(9) (error)
region_ref2varchar2(26) (error)
start_datedate (tick)
end_datedate (tick)
journey_typenumber(3) (error)
travel_timenumber(11) (error)
adjacentnumber(1) (error)


primary key (region_no1, region_no2) 
unique (region_ref1, region_ref2) 
foreign key (region_no1, region_ref1) references sp057_regions (region_no, region_ref) 
foreign key (region_no2, region_ref2) references sp057_regions (region_no, region_ref) 
foreign key (journey_type) references sp263_journey_types (journey_type)

Column Descriptions

region_no1  ServiceOptimizer identifier of region 1.
region_ref1User identifier of region 1. 
region_no2ServiceOptimizer identifier of region 2.
region_ref2User identifier of region 2. 
start_dateNot used. 
end_dateNot used. 
journey_typeJourney type - urban, rural etc. 
travel_timeTravel time in minutes between region 1 and region 2.
adjacentFlag indicating whether or not regions 1 and 2 are adjacent -
0 - not adjacent
1 - adjacentÂ