

This table is used to record:

  • details of employees' skills;
  • location and quantity of spares; 
    Records in this table which describe an employee's skill will have: 
    -resource_no which refers to a skill type (i.e. the corresponding record in sp211_resources has type = 0; 
    -non-null values for employee_no and is_derived (see note 1); 
    -null values for location_no, resource_id, quantity and last_update. 
    Records relating to spares will have: 
    -a resource_no which refers to a record in sp211_resources which has type = 1; 
    -a non-null value for one (and only one) of the employee_no and location_no columns; 
    -a non-null value for quantity.


  • This tables skill content is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Global group


Table Definition

resource_no number(9)  (error)
start_datedate (error)
end_datedate (tick)
employee_nonumber(9) (tick)
is_derivednumber(1) (tick)
location_nonumber(4) (tick)
resource_idvarchar2(15) (tick)
quantitynumber(6) (tick)
last_updatedatedate (tick)


unique (resource_no, employee_no, location_no, start_date, is_derived, resource_id ) 
unique (resource_no, resource_id) 
foreign key (resource_no) references sp211_resources (resource_no) 
foreign key (employee_no) references sp210_employees (employee_no) 
foreign key (location_no) references sp118_work_locations(location_no)

Column Descriptions

resource_no Identifier of the resource. (The type of the resource – skill or spare - must be obtained from sp211_resources). 
start_dateThe date on which the employee or work location acquires the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone.   
end_dateThe date on which the employee or work location gives up the resource. Uses employee's Time Zone.
employee_noInternal number for the employee.
skill_levelFor a skill, the level of at which it is possessed by the employee.

Where the resource type is a skill and the employee is a crew, this flag indicates whether the skill was derived from the crew members' skills, or whether the crew has the skill independently of the crew members' skills.

1 indicates that the skill was derived from the crewmembers' skills

0 that it was not.

If the employee is not a member of a crew, this field is undefined.

location_noInternal number of the work location.
resource_idNo longer supported.
quantityFor a spare, the quantity posessed.
last_updateDate and time at which spares details were last updated (from external spares management system). Uses sp083.tz_Default.