

This table provides a mapping of regions to responsibility units. Each region may be mapped to zero or more responsibility units. 

Regions are organised into a three level hierarchy (see the description of table sp057_regions). A region may, therefore, be mapped to a responsibility unit either explicitly, by a record in this table specifying its region number; or implicitly, by a record in this table which maps the region's owning region. That is to say, if a level two region is mapped to a responsibility unit, then all of the level three regions owned by the level two region are also taken to be mapped to the same responsibility unit. Similarly, mapping a level one region to a responsibility unit implies that the owned level two regions and the level three regions owned by those regions are also mapped to the responsibility unit.


Table Definition

resp_unit_nonumber(4) (error)
region_nonumber(9) (error)


primary key (resp_unit_no, region_no) 

foreign key (resp_unit_no) references sp058_responsibility_units (resp_unit_no) 

foreign key (region_no) references sp057_regions (region_no) 

Column Descriptions

resp_unit_no Responsibility unit identifier
region_noServiceScheduling region identifier