Document toolboxDocument toolbox

9.3.1.x 1

Change History

Document Version


DateAuthor(s)Summary of Changes Swann

Added new table sp660_notification_messages and included reference to this table on the Tidied Tables page.

New entries added into sp083_system_parameters:

  • notification_days_before - To configure the number of days in the past to be used when notifying an external system.
  • notification_server_url - To configure notification service.
  • notification_customer_id - To identify customer to be notified.
  • notification_customer_code - Further identification of the customer to be notified.
  • notification_jwt - Not currently used, for future use.

New entries added into sp900_language_translation for language translations of the above.


Wendy Swann

Added new table sp089_user_categories and reference from sp085_users.